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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Race4LastPlace

  1. I am sure its been asked somewhere in the thread, but has anyone gotten a tattoo then played within the next few days? I'm planning on getting my first soon and wanted to make sure I could play within a day or two of getting it.

    2pages back. Played a couple days after in stick and puck. Didn't bother me

  2. you get it Radiogaga? :D

    Unrelated note, anyone use TattooGoo? Been a few year since my last tattoo so I don't remember the healing process too well. But this salve seems to be doing really well on it. Wondering if anyone else has used it/impressions

  3. Got the appointment for my Canada/hockey one next Thursday. Have yet to see the final design...but she is working off the one I posted a page or two back.

    I've heard that some people have issue with how red heals on their skin...can anyone comment.

    from what ive seen and heard from a few friends it looks like red fades pretty quick. But not so much so that it looks too pink. But i cant really say with too much first hand experience. I have 1 red star and it faded some, but it seems like it was pretty hard to get evenly colored at first. Hopefully some others can give more insight.

    cant wait to see what the final will look like.

  4. Lovin' it. Is that the Godsmack logo or just a stylized sun?

    thanks guys. The sun is just a sun i had liked found in a class in high school about 6 years ago, was the first tattoo. This one went around that sun, wanted to incorporate it rather than cover it... I had been dreaming up this design for the last year or so and finally got together with an artist. It came out perfectly. To me the lion represents my father, and the bird/eagle represents my grandfather (the 2 biggest inspirations in my life)

  5. alright well after about 2 years ive decided on getting another tattoo. Sat and planned it out with a different artist referred to me (was a lil intimidated at first as his name is s8n, but he's cool) since my old guy is on a 'tattoo spirit walk of the appalachian'. My appt. is next thursday and im quite excited.

    First tat since ive started playing so is there a timeframe i should wait after i get it before i go play a game? My game would be the saturday after i get it and its beer league so not crucial to be there. I guess first priority would be healing up. any input?

  6. alright well after about 2 years ive decided on getting another tattoo. Sat and planned it out with a different artist referred to me (was a lil intimidated at first as his name is s8n, but he's cool) since my old guy is on a 'tattoo spirit walk of the appalachian'. My appt. is next thursday and im quite excited.

    First tat since ive started playing so is there a timeframe i should wait after i get it before i go play a game? My game would be the saturday after i get it and its beer league so not crucial to be there. I guess first priority would be healing up. any input?

  7. I've had my v08's for roughly 6 months. I have loved them, but am now in need of new skates. I guess i blocked a shot with these (dont remember feeling one that could do this much damage but oh well). It is cracked completely through, shattered i guess would be a more accurate word, and lost all stiffness in that area as some pieces have cracked completely free of the boot. But i still am very much considering getting another pair of v08's.

    here is the crack(s)


  8. How is the Vapor XXX OPS working for you Race? I had a few sticks and shafts, but a couple guys from KY decided to be gear whores

    I'm liking the lindros pattern so far, took a few to get used to but I like it. Besides, there's nothing else to do here...

  9. Nice collection. Always good to see fellow right hand enthusiast collections. I'll have an updated pick of my collection this week when the four new ones arrive
    indeed, cant wait to see em.
    are the 10ks pro stock?
    yes, shafts not cut ops
    I think I recognize a few in there. :D
    theres probably a few people that may recognize some of these ;)

  10. My blades looked dull, brand new out of the box dull, when I got mine done at 90/75, still peeled fingernail like a fresh sharpen but just looked flat and dull.

    exactly what i thought when i had it done. I think i skated 4 times on them before i had it sharpened again, and wow i could tell a major difference. When these things are freshly sharpened, there's just nothing like that feeling on the ice.

  11. newest pair of 4 rolls. Im a sucker for a white cuff roll B) . First go-round with digital nash palms tho. Interested to see how they'll hold up.

    Those are friggin' sweeeeeet. Where did you get em and do they have any in 13"?

    U of Maine pro stocks on eBay. The seller has a few 15" available you can try and ask him if he has any 13's

  12. Thanks guys. I'm definitaly gonna wait until the new lines come out and get in plenty overtime days at work. The pants are 2 piece and I'm very excited to try them out. I've had xxlite pants and currently use synergy girdle and shell, but the RBK's fit awesome

  13. ^^^ thats a nice bunch of pickups :) the wallet must of took a beating from that

    haha usually does :D The shop is 2 hours away so i usually plan a trip every couple months so i can save up and make it worth it. Next trip will be in a couple months for some custom franchises, U+cl and who knows what else

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