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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by hgdaigle

  1. Nice Si-Core Grip man, you don't see many of those any more.
  2. I would like to buy a dolo, i recently tried one of my friends, 85 flex Fedorov and it felt great, the lie felt strange at first to me though, maybe it was just me.
  3. Yeah some of the one90's turn to a brownish color after beeing used for a while.
  4. Hey guys i'm new to this site but My current equipment as of now is Helmet: 2 NBH 4500 ( One with CCM Chrome cage and the other with Itech HS22 Tinted visor) Very comfortable and nine fit. Gloves: NBH Pro ( A bit heavier then the XXX's but they're well ventilated.) Pants:NBH Vapor XX (Great fit and quite light and flexible.) Elbows:Jofa 3500 ( They're good elbow pads but they're getting pretty old now) Shins:Easton Stealth S5 ( Very comfortable aside from the knee cap holder which i removed.) Shoulders : Easton Airs (Don't care much for them , i've had them for years now) Skates: NBH Vapor XXII, I just picked up these skates from my LHS a few months back, they're excellent skates, especially for a wide foot like mine (EE.) I find these skates are practically identical to the XXX's (aside from the extra bit of weight and less performance) which i had prior to these. Sticks NBH Vapor XXII Lite 102 Flex St-Louis and NBH One90 87 flex St- Louis (Both great sticks but I just got the XXII so I like it better at the moment) :P
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