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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by yesido

  1. Picking up my Makos tomorrow. Coming from CL's. I saw above that the default pitch is 2 mm for Makos, but for comparison purposes can somebody tell me what it is for the CL's? When I got the CL's profiled I had them do a 9 foot radius with a forward pitch (not sure exactly how much they did). I'm assuming that since the Mako's start with a forward pitch I should get them neutral and not get an additional forward pitch if I want it to feel kind of similar to the profiled CL's (and because additional forward pitch on the Makos would be too much), but can someone confirm? I hope this question makes sense. Many thanks in advance.
  2. I have a question - given the forward pitch on the CXN holder, what does that mean for getting the skates profiled? I normally get a regular 9 foot radius. With these, would that counteract the forward pitch, or would it make it even more - maybe too much - aggressive? Or would it have no practical effect? What radius do the Makos come out of the box?
  3. Got an email from Ice Level Sports in Richmond, BC today announcing that they now have the Blademaster Flat Bottom. It's not Blackstone FBV, but it's a lot closer than The Hockey Shop in Surrey. The funny thing is that I asked the Ice Level guys a couple of months ago if they were getting FBV and they trashed it.
  4. Before FBV, I was skating on 9/16. I read here that in general, 90/75 is similar to a 5/8 ROH and 100/50 is similar to a 1/2 ROH, which would put 9/16 between the two. I've been skating on a 90/75 FBV, which I like pretty well but might want a little more grip so am considering trying out 100/50 (and will likely do so next sharpening). But it got me thinking - I realize it is ultimately personal preference, but in general do people have a sense for where in between hollows such a 9/16 or 7/16 fit into the FBV world? Do people generally find that they need to go up to a less shallow "equivalent" hollow, or down to a "deeper" one? Are people on 9/16 generally more likely to like 90/75, or 100/50, or something else? Thanks.
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