Transmission went south in wifes mini-van, furnace control board caught on fire, and sewer backed up in basement most likely due to daughter mummifying hand with toilet paper. Its been a crap week.
Saw something weird on a display X60 skate in a proshop at a local rink. It didnt have the new Hyra Max liner in it. It looked and felt like the black low end lining in the lower end skates. I took pictures of it with my phone but it is hard to make out. Has anyone else seen something like this? Anyone know why an X60 skate would have the low end lining in it? I asked the guy that was there about it and he just said it was what it was. Just curious.
I finally got the chance to try my new 5/8 FBV from Bob toady. All I can say is WOW. I read this thread over and over again and reading peoples responses to the FBV before deciding to try it. I was not sure what to expect when I stepped on the the ice today. From the first step I was able to tell the glide was way faster than my usual 9/16 cut. I was truly amazed at how much faster I was going even on crappy ice near the end of a public session.The first time I stopped on them I had a little bit of chatter on my right skate but that was the only time. I am not sure if it was related to the FBV cut or just getting used to the combo radius that Bob gave me. I didn't have any problem trusting the edge at all since I had already moved to a 5/8 cut (At least that is what I requested at my LHS) on the skates I use for when I am coaching my sons practices. I had also got a set with 9/16 ROH and a combo radius just in case I would have trouble adjusting to the FBV but I may just send the 9/16 ones back to Bob to get the FBV. I am not sure if the LS2s that I replaced can even be salvaged. I have never had any kind of radiusing or profiling done on them and the locals here butchered them pretty good, they removed alot of the toe and rear, kinda banana like. I'll send them back and see if Bob can do anything with them. I have a game Tuesday night so that will be the first time I can use the FBV's in a game. Again, I never would have found out about the FBV if it weren't for this forum. Thanks MSH.
I also just recieved a few new sets of steel from Bob. I have been eagerly awaiting to try my 5/8 FBV with a combo radius he did for me. Had time to install them today but won't be able to try them out till Sunday, It will be along two days. :(