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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About chef_ducky

  • Birthday 02/03/1993


  • Skates
    Easton Synergy 800C
  • Hockey Bag
    CCM ????
  • Shin Pads
    CCM Tacks
  • Elbow Pads
    RBK 7K
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Pants
    Sande Max Pro 982
  • Helmet
    CCM Vector 10.0
  • Gloves
    Bauer V
  • Stick
    RBK 5k Snake Grip

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Mod Squad Hockey
  • Location
    A Hick Town in ONT
  • Gender

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
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  • Yahoo
  1. When I lived in Hamilton, the road clearing was usually pretty good. Now where i live now, there like, "it's really snowy - Fuck it, everyone gets the day off"
  2. I've been in the Top Gear "Star In A Reasonabley Priced Car" (You guys probobly don't get that show but I thought I'd just drop that in there :D) Lacetti, it was what I expected. Assuming this is probobly your first car, may I ask why you've shortlisted the Lacetti/Optra? Yes. First Car. I don't know, look fairly cheap!
  3. How much is he looking for. Another question. I am getting a car in 8 months, I am thinking about getting a Chevy Optra, does anyone ride one, or tried one!
  4. http://www.flickr.com/photos/ryanspictures32/2501449549/ My Rundown: Helmets: RBK 9K CCM Vector 10.0 Visor and Cages Nike Bauer Oval True Vision Itech X-100 (x2) Shoulder Pads RBK/Jofa 6K Elbow Pads RBK/Jofa - JDP 7K Pants Sande Max980 RBK - Montreal Canadiens Pro Stock - Not Pictured Gloves Vapor V CCM - Montreal Candiens Prostock - Not Pictured Shins CCM 552 Tacks Socks RBK Edge - XL - Pro Stock - Grand Padids Griffins Skates Bauer XIV with 280mm Black T-Blades/ White Runners Sticks TPS Rubber Response Vector - Trevor Daley Pro Stock Mission L-2 - Ron Hainsey Pro STock TPS Response XN10 - Marcel Hossa Pro Stock My Favourite - CCM Shaft/Easton Sakic Curve Blade Easton Synergy - Mark Bell Pro Stock Easton S5 - Sakic Curve Easton Stealth - Dany Heatley Pro Stock RBK 7K - Mikhail Grabovski Pro Stock (x2) RBK 7K - Ajay Baines Pro Stock (x2) Not Pictured
  5. Helmet: CCM Vector Visor: X-100 when Playing pickup Cage: Bauer Oval Shoulder: RBK 6k Elbow: RBK 4K Pants: Sande Max Shin: CCM Skates: Bauer XI I believe Sticks: Easton Stealth S5 - Green Sakic Curve, 100 Flex, 5.5 Lie
  6. Here is my equipment...Not very proud of it though! Hockey Equip
  7. That would be awesome..... Thanks Radio
  8. i can;t believe David is only 19....WHere did he play junior
  9. Nice Try for David in the shoot out.... He is a hell of a hockey player!
  10. He's a pro coach! So yeah, I am saying he might be "good." Whether he sits or not, he is just doing his job!
  11. I am really sure Andy Murray will care if his family! Perron is a good player, so i doubt that will happen!
  12. In my opinion he's being taught how to behave under the 'corporate logo'. He works for a corporation now, expectations are different and they are going to make him conform. It's like any new grad starting his/her first job in a corporate setting. You learn the politics and how to behave, and if you don't some will tell you whether you like it or not..... I have no problem with what the Blues are doing, he'll learn how to act if he wants to be successful in the long run. They are making him accountable, I like it..... You just want it to bo known to the public because he is a MSH user. Sean Avery and Marek Malik fought at practice, and that was all over the internet, like Hugh Hefner at a tity bar! You can't honestly say no one was going to tell the press. Get over it....He is a rookie...
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