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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About docar15

  • Birthday 10/30/1968

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  1. Thank you !!! One thing I can't stress enough is aggravation I have been having with the Sparx sharpened blades after about a year and a half of non-commercial use. It's gotten to the point where I started taking our blades to a guru every couple of months to have them "doctored". All because after a while of continued Sparx use I started feeling flat spots, ringles, and other crazy things I remember from way back when when steel was crap and women were happy. I can't put a price tag on that. Good to see MSH is very much alive and happy after some 4 - 5 years away :-). I will post a review of the ProSharp Home after we run it for a couple of months. Thanks again ALL!
  2. Thats my last hope. If I can't fix the Sparx and keep it tight, alas. Prosharp it is. I also noticed going from my 4mm goalie blades to my sons 3mm blades and back to mine seems to do a number on the stone. I gave up trying to adjust the height for kids' blades :-). Too many buttons for this old coach.
  3. Thank you. I am hearing a lot about longevity that Prosharp home machines last. And springs stay strong.
  4. So good to know !!! Can spring kit be bought from Sparx or its a generic one that can be found on McMasters? Again, million thanks. Auto spells sucks. I need to go back and proof-read the original so Law Goalie does not make fun of me again :-).
  5. Sorry to resurrect this old topic. With the damn virus we have been sharpening friends skates a good bit in addition to three family members. If anybody had the Prosharp Home for a couple of years how do the springs hold up? I am noticing on my Sparx that what used to take 2 - 3 passes now takes 4 or more. Ring does not put enough pressure on the blade. Anything hard (only tried step and massive) I tried 2 x 10 passes (max) on my SPARX and it barely made a dent before shutting down of overheating. Unit is two years old, just a little over. Like an old printer, looks like there is nothing to repair. They offered us discount on a new unit. We do sharpen primarily goalie skates. Thanks all. Stay healthy.
  6. Question to the X40 - XXV users. I have used XXV for a year and they were well protective for blocking shots. I jsut picked up a pair of X40s, they I feel every shot, pain, totally more then XXV ever did. Direct fron hit to the toe box, side hit, etc. I went with the same size and width as my XXV. Playing with the same people and skill levels (i.e. too old to improve that much :-)). I bought the X40 based on the comments that they replaced the XXV...Did I buy a lemon? How do the X50s and X60s feel in terms of protection?
  7. Has anybody tried the new shins, are they as wide as the old (2007) Vs? I am comparing the V10s and V6s. My LHS is not going to get 2008 models for another three weeks. 2007 was way to wide for my taste.
  8. The unit no longer exists, plus it looks dead on like an old Soviet prison tattoo... May get you a free beer in the russian steam room in Brooklyn, but, then again, it may not...
  9. Not having read the entire thread (sorry), if anyone cares. I got a tatoo in the service just like everyone else. Got out, had some extra money, got it cleaned up, colors added, etc. About $200+. Recently I found out that I will have to have multiple visits to have it removed, they will work on each color at a time because of different scarring types, and the total will bring it to about 3 grand.
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