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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Many of the existing employees are still there. They will be able to profile steel (they have a Prosharp that needs templates, it will be a couple of weeks before they come in) and they are sharpening with Sparx.
  2. Not accusatory at all, I think there is a ton of confusion about how each company makes their skates. I agree, I'd love for someone to come on here and explain for all 3 brands to clear up the confusion. If you look at True's website, they clearly state that the skate is "Built from the inside out using a custom 3D foot last built to the individual skater's foot" But what exactly does that mean? Does that mean they use the stock last that fits closest to the players foot and add pieces to it (like i've heard) or is a new last created for each player as I feel is suggested by that wording?
  3. Maybe I'm misinformed. We'll see.
  4. Comes down to skate depth. The scanner will recommend a skate based on depth, width will be determined by the last the skate is manufactured with.
  5. Correct. If you order an FT1/AS1/70K total custom, they will go through the same 3D mold process. All total custom skates, both player and goalie, will get 3D molded. I -think- the only exception is the 50K, I'm almost positive that one doesn't.
  6. Total custom is available for all player skate models, yes. the 3D molded only option is just for the AS1 right now.
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