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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Hold out for the U+ I'm skating in the XXXX's right now and they are the best skates I've ever had. The stiffness and durability for me have been outstanding. Skating 3-4 times a week in mens league and drop ins they still feel as stiff as when I bought them. I had 2 pairs of S15's that fell apart in about a month each before I got the Vapors. The XXXX's were one of the best investments I've made in skates, I've been smoked a few times by slapshots and barely felt anything, I can't say the same for some other skates. As for the U+, make your decision when it comes out (if you can wait that long). Don't buy skates because your favortie player wears them, buy them becuase they are comfortable and they fit. If you were to ask me the question point blank of which skates to buy I would tell you Vapor XXXX's becuase my foot has always fit Bauers better. I've never had a comfortable fit with CCM until I tried the U+. I can't stress enough about these skates that they fit nothing like any previous CCM skate which has me excited to try them. After trying on a demo pair and seeing how they fit I can tell you I will be buying a pair of these for sure. Hope that helps! The xxxx is one of the most narrow skates I have tried on how is the fit even comparable to the u+?? I tried on the 10.0's just the other day and thought it was a perfect fit, if the u+ is going to have more boot volume I am thinking I might wanna get a pair of 10.0 before I can no longer find them any where. Will they have the same feel as far as fit goes?
  2. Helmet: nike bauer 5000. great, light and very versatile Fave shield: Itech concet II when needed. great clarity and view w/ full protection Shoulder pads: RBK 4k Fitlite. Very low profile, and breatheable Elbow Pads: RBK 4k very protective, a little constriction Gloves: RBK 5k, Very comfortable, heard ? on durability Pants: Synergy 700, very protective, love the double belts Shin guards: Had the 4ks but were a very poor design got stuck over pants dropped down to the 3ks, they are ok. Skates: Bauer supreme 10's >:( they suck, but my 5k pumps are in the mail, I have great expectations for those!!
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