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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by DavidT

  1. I didnt know much about these. Almost pulled the ebay trigger on them.
  2. I definately enjoy them. They'll probably be back ups, of teh back ups backups..... :lol:
  3. I believe they are. Talk about a glove that's gonna need a breaking in. Nope, got them off the classifieds here. Probably the person I got them from purchased them from ebay. I like them because they're well broken in.
  4. Added to the glove collection. Purchases fromm the past week. If anyone has or knows of some Eastern Conference all star gloves to be unloaded, let me know. :)
  5. There was a pair on ebay about a month ago. I dont think they sold, so the guy may still have them.
  6. Got these in today. Then figured may as well take a group pic.
  7. I see. Im not much up on the older palms. These palms on the 9800s are one grippy palm.
  8. Is this the tackified palm?
  9. Nothing Spectacular, but it made my Monday a little more worth it.
  10. Are these the ones that are coming off of ebay?
  11. Me from the past weekend. http://www.photoreflect.com/pr3/orderpage....80021&po=21 http://www.photoreflect.com/pr3/orderpage....80022&po=22 http://www.photoreflect.com/pr3/orderpage....80037&po=37
  12. I have a basement :D
  13. Sell me the Dallas Eastons.
  14. No tags, stampings or anything. The top of the hand on the inside of the glove has that silver "bio dri" material and the palms are nash with that reenforcement strip. They're real S17s.
  15. Yeah those are definitely old gloves--I had a pair they have Easton's "Flex Grip". And those aren't even his game gloves. His games gloves don't have all the white lettering---they just have Easton in green. These gloves arent old. These are nothing to the quality of old 9500s. Only times Ive seen Modano use these is practices and photoshoots.
  16. These arent old gloves, new ones made to look old.
  17. The Hockey Shop in Lewisville, maybe under a different name by the vista ridge mall. Supposedly lasts until Sunday. Didnt see any Miettinen sticks, but I also didt look at them all. They had so many. Skate wise, they had new 0ne90s I think for $300 and an assortment of Mission skates etc. Prices will be much better at the Stars equipment sale obviously because these people are wanting to turn a profit. But sticks were well blow retail etc.
  18. His curve is almost identical to the current Forsberg retail at least to my eyes. No next week. LHS has some guy in doing a one weekend sale. Have maybe 20 Ott S17s, 15 Richards S17, 10 or so Barnes Synergy Elites, 15 Zubov Synergy Elites, Some Boucher sticks, Bunch of Jokinen Stealths, Morrow Synergy Elites. Skates, gloves, etc etc. Most Stars stuff is just in sticks. Have some old Modano Easton Air skates etc.
  19. My purchases for today. Some gloves and 2 Zubov S17s. :D I ran out of money and will have to go back tomorrow. They had a bunch of Pro Stock stuff for sale and junk I dont need. Would like to buy a Brad Richards S17, Jokinen Stealth, and some other junk they had. BTW, these 9500s are pretty terrible. I just bought them because Im fond of the old easton gloves. I think Mylec made better gloves than these ar in the early 90s. Nothing to the quality of the old 9500s.
  20. They could've at least done a better job. Thats horrible. Aint it though? Luckly enough whatever they used peals/scrapes right off.
  21. Got these in a couple weeks ago. Easton GX9800 someone tried to black out. May strip the "paint" and do a little better job at it.
  22. Ive seen people bend their frames when leaving out a wheel. Personally, I cant stand it.
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