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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    NBH One95
  • Hockey Bag
    RBK Pro
  • Shin Pads
    RBK 9K
  • Elbow Pads
    Jofa 9177
  • Shoulder Pads
    RBK 9K
  • Pants
    Tackla Air 9000
  • Helmet
    NBH 8500
  • Gloves
    NBH 4-Roll
  • Stick
    Bauer One95

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  1. The Nikes are 10.5s. I am thinking I should put my chrome Ovie Itech Visor on the Gretzky Jofa Helmet...
  2. Old gear I found in the garage (I lent my buddy the Jofa elbows and the Bauer 5000 lid so they are not pictured):
  3. I think I saw some new ones with orange as a color choice...
  4. J.R. Custom Shop's CCM Vector 10.0 SE Skates (9.5D), LS2 Holders and Steel (288), RBK Yellow Waxed Laces (120) NBH Supreme One90 Skates (9.5D), LS2 Holders and Steel (288), RBK Yellow Waxed Laces (120) One90 Skates and One90 Stick with my woman's Vapor IXs and her One25 stick (she skated for the first time in her life a few weeks back after I bought her this gear on sale at Paragon)
  5. Skates: CCM Vector 10.0 Special Edition with Nike Bauer LS2 Holders and Steel, Nike Bauer Supreme One90 with Nike Bauer LS2 Holders and Steel Shins: RBK 9K, Nike Bauer Supreme Pro Lightspeed Jock: Bike Performance Elite Jock Strap and Proflex Max Cup Pants: Tackla Pro 5000X, Tackla 9000 Air Shoulder: RBK 9K, Nike Bauer Supreme Pro Lightspeed Elbows: RBK 9K, Nike Bauer Supreme Pro Lightspeed Gloves: Nike Bauer Pro 4-Roll, Nike Bauer Vapor XXXX, Nike Bauer Vapor XXXX Pro Helmet: Nike Bauer 8500 with Nike Bauer 8500 Cage, Nike Bauer 4500 with Nike Bauer 9500 Cage Sticks: Sherwood 9950 RG PP6087, Sherwood 9950 RG Spezza, Nike Bauer Supreme One75 P106, Nike Bauer Supreme One90 P106
  6. They sponsor multiple men's and women's AAA teams in the metro Detroit area which are all appropriately named Little Caesars, differentiated by age cutoff points... Ovechkin Clones Very nice...
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