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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Goonsquad

  1. On 10/8/2021 at 10:10 AM, xstartxtodayx said:

    No more pics for you!  Or if/when I do make another Lightning game I'll photosh p yellow laces on you 😝

    I still wear them, have worn them since the mid 90's.  I dabbled with black when that was all the rage but it just wasn't for me, and white is too boring, so yellow it is.  I do see a lot of other colors now a days though, pink, blue, green, orange, red, basically any color you can think of I've seen out there (both beer league and young kids).  So yea, people still wear yellow or any color they want so wear whatever you like.

    I am waiting on the Photoshop version. Plus the yellow laces will tie in with the whole lightning color scheme….

    • Haha 1

  2. On 8/19/2021 at 9:11 AM, AnimalFear said:

    This might be a stupid question, but does anyone have any ideas how to go about whitening a pair of Tuuk Custom+ holders? I have a new pair that I am planning on mounting on my new Graf 703 boots (and I've got Step Blacksteel to go with them), but they have gotten a bit yellowed with age. Actually the two individual holders are sort of different colors--one has sort of a blue tint to it.  I know it's just a stupid cosmetic concern, but does anyone know whether there is a way to whiten them?

    Sell the Blue one to @mojo122

  3. 14 hours ago, Nicholas G said:

    Oven gets to 225F so it's pretty hot. I can't really go any hotter for fear of ruining the skate. 

    Well with the heat gun its localized heating and the heat output can get higher than 200 F. Liquid nails suggest layer petroleum Jelly or Mineral spirits to soften the adhesive for extended periods of time. Maybe soak a paper towel with mineral spirits and lay on top to the adhesive only?

  4. 47 minutes ago, Nicholas G said:

    Well, I'm already committed to getting it finished and while going the mechanical route is an option I was hoping there might be a solvent option.

    Whatever they used it's super strong, I threw the skate in the skate oven for about two and a half minutes and didn't even soften whatever that adhesive is

    is the Skate oven hot enough? 

    the Liquid nails site said to use a heat gun or blow dryer to soften the adhesive



  5. On 3/26/2019 at 8:13 PM, JR Boucicaut said:

    Flip the insert around. 


    On 3/26/2019 at 8:31 PM, Vet88 said:

    My son had the same problem, we trimmed the insert, no more issues other than the wear and tear on the tongue.

    Here are clearer pics.  of the tongue and insert




    the point of the insert is in a bad spot. I realize now whats going on. The rubbing from the insert is probably cause the blisters.  the last pic shows the bend line of the tongue and insert. its not bending straight across but diagonal down from the top of one point to a third down from the other point (this is the point digging into the tongue.


    I am going to cut and shape it and see if that helps


  6. On 3/25/2019 at 10:08 AM, JR Boucicaut said:

    Have you always had this happen or was it recently?  How old are the skates?

    Fairly recently, right around Oct 2018 i think, lately its caused a blister to develop after just one skate. I've skate in them since August of 2016. 

    22 hours ago, psulion22 said:

    I'm in MX3's also, and they're starting to break down.  The foams inside are pretty thin, so there's more room than there used to be.  The quarters are a little soft, the tongue is pretty flimsy, and the comfort padding on the top edge is wearing out. It's probably time for new skates.  My guess is you're having the same issue as me that is just manifesting differently.

    15 hours ago, mickz said:

    Have you tried using the other tongue inserts that came with your skates?

    I have not. I am using the X-stiff insert but honestly, that insert has seen better times. It has a pretty good crease on it at the bend. The Reset of the boot has held up well. padding on the sides are still pretty good as well as the comfort edges. The back of the tongue has seen better days. I'll snap a picture of it when i get time as well as the inserts. 





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