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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About numberthirteen

  • Birthday 02/13/1994


  • Skates
    Mission Wicked 3 but will soon be converting my NBH Vapor XXII
  • Hockey Bag
    Warrior MacDaddy, Camo
  • Shin Pads
    RBK 4K
  • Elbow Pads
    Mission Fuel 85
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Pants
  • Helmet
    Mission Intake
  • Gloves
    NBH 4 Rolls
  • Stick
    AK27 shaft 85 flex, Johnson Blade Draper curve

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Girlfriend, Playing Roller & Ice Hockey, Watching Ice Hockey, Helping Coach Roller Hockey, Music, Gigging, Festivals.. etc etc
  • Location
    South Yorkshire, England
  • Gender

Contact Methods

  • MSN
    heavymetalmoshingkid@hotmail.co.uk OR jamesagainstthemachine@live.com
  • Website URL
  • ICQ
  1. To be fairly honest, it's an epic fail in the aesthetic department without regard to what durometer his wheels are.
  2. Good point but I make invisible scuff guards out of glue. When was the last time you scuffed the heel of the boot? When I playing in the ISHF Euro Cup in Germany it seemed like more of a fashion thing... People had them on low-end roller boots.
  3. How come you guys tape around the bottom of your skates? I noticed the Dutch do it too.
  4. Puckstop made a good job of my XXIIs. They have the X60s in at the moment do I'd assume they could get the X40s in...
  5. Nottingham or Manchester I think, or if you live down South I think The Hockey Range at Bisley will do it.
  6. Wow is the only word I can muster up. A good or bad wow? LOL. I'm not too fussed on them, they don't look brilliant.
  7. Yup. I think it was Tom who did everything, very well done. I had the boot from the Wicked 3s mounted on to the LSP2s from the XXIIs, just incase i desperately need an ice skate.
  8. If i had a drill i would've saved myself £40 though. They did a good job though, can't fault them.
  9. FINALLY! 4 days in the works. NBH Vapor XXIIs 9.5EE, Aluminium Mission Vanguard Chassis size M, Revision Platinum's, BSB Abec 9 bearings, Black AR waxed laces (blue tracers!), Pharrel Williams 'Ice Cream' footbeds. (Okay, it's not that special and i know it) (The skate is at an angle by the way)
  10. Yeah, i gotta say I'm not a big fan of them. The only Labeda's i've tried and that have lasted me a decent while were the grippers. But for aesthetics, you can't beat em'.
  11. Yes they are a pic of the inside of the boot. The outside color is yellow on these. I will be putting on the new hum'ers that are all silver as soon as we get them! They will look so sweet! I'm converting my XXIIs onto the vanguard from my Wicked 3s to last me up till the end of the season. I've been meaning to do it ages but i've only just got the time where i have a weekend when I'm not playing! I've removed the graphics on the Vanguard so that the chassis is also silver and the colors match up. XXIIs, All silver Vanguard, RV Platinum's, white waxed laces, BSB swiss bearings! Sorted - Pics probably next Friday!
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