Long time no post in here. I sold many of my gloves in the last year. This year I didn't need much for hockey gear. My Bauer One80 skates were taking a toll on my ankles so I sprung for new skates. I purchased a pair of used/vgood condition Graf 707s with tuuk custom plus holders. Not being what I expected with the whole ankle freedom I went on to buy new skates and well that sort of sprung a couple new pickups! Here they are. -Nike 0004 in Large I had this helmet in maroon,white, and navy before so I decided to pick up a black one. -Kovy style itech visor -Innovative 1100 Polarfibre shaft pro stock "Lilja" as in Andreas Lilja. Matched it with a good ol' Lidstrom woodie. Must be an old stock from his days with kings or panthers! Very stiff! -Easton SE16 Non grip Iggy pattern. Picked this up at a store blowout for $99. Next since my Grafs were still an undecided skate for me I picked these up on a blowout sale online. Easton s12 black editions. I never wore eastons much and well for the price I had to try these. I should be getting them this week! I know their not s17s but again for price and since I am a beer leaguer I mix match pro quality with what I need. Last although this season I have been using my Bruins wc rbk 10ks I wanted to spring for new mitts. Here is what I bought. Parise style 13.5 . short back roll with extended cuffs. All nylon with clarino palms and gussets. Got these on ebay. I blocked out the name on cuff of person who made these. Their brand new customs! I was looking for this glove so it was a nice fit.
Just won these on ebay, San Jose Pro Returns im lovin the teal color beauty gloves man. I almost went for these a while back when they were 1st listed. Not sure if they beat your new eastons haha.
awesome collection! kinda neat how you stuck with a player and his gloves. the custom warriors are a nice choice! short cuff gloves are starting to grow on me more!