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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    vapor XXXX
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    bauer 4 roll
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  1. i'm not sure of the price but i was talking about the price at launch.
  2. Low than when the ONE95 came out, what I meant is that you're better off getting a pair of one95 on closeout than getting the new one100 since it's the same skate. Like I said, it's great they developed all this new tech but don't keep it all in just one skate. They could've at least put a fusion runner on the one100 and keep the tongue, outsole and liner for the TotalONE. It's kinda like what CCM did with the first generation of U+. that being said, all older skates are generally going to be cheaper then the new ones coming in. if they were to add the fusion steel which costs $100 or $200(can't remember the actual price) to the one100 will almost certainly raise the price. bauer isn't going to put on such an expensive add on for free. that being said the one100 being priced cheaper than the one95 is a good thing.
  3. stock or custom? how do you like them so far?
  4. $200. They had Keith and Sharp ones too. the gunzos' in morton grove had toews' gloves for 189.99 or 199.99.
  5. I live in chicago and there are plenty of other places that will do custom skates. I'm also sure there are a few other pro shops that will do it for you, you just have to search for other places online. 1) Jerry's Hockey Warehouse-they have like 4 locations. 2) Total Hockey 3) Picks 'n' Pucks Pro Shop located inside Center of Ice DuPage.
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