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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by db88

  1. I have those silver eastons... i need to get them re-palmed though. theyve seen theyre use but i still like em alot.
  2. how much do the velocity step steel runners cost?
  3. i want a 5100 helmet. one95 padding looks sick.
  4. i should go grab one at my lhs and see how it is..ive seen some wooden blades curved like that
  5. that curve looks tough to use.
  6. hey now take it easy, i buy all my stuff at my LHS, well that or i drive to one thats farther away to get my stuff if one of them doesnt have what im looking for. Lucky me i have like 3 peranis within an hour from where i live. Although there is one store nearby that jacks up the prices real bad, so i dont go to that one.
  7. Who cares if people want to buy online, i doubt you own your hockey store so the income doesnt affect you. Maybe your store needs to lower their prices and people will buy shit in the store.
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