Going to "downgrade" for the summer while my project E30 M3 is being built. Thinking about a Volkswagen R32 or a Mini GP. E30s are great i sold mine 2 years ago and regret it! As far as mine goes, work hasn't even started. I didn't even take a single picture of it, as its quite rough around most edges :P . Its just sitting in the corner of the shop. As soon as I figure what motor to go with, things will start moving quickly. Its between either a Euro S52 or an S54. Leaning towards the S54 as I still have parts for it from my old M3. Just need to find a source for a clean full motor. Not to mention 333hp sounds alot better than 240. If you want to look at some builds, check out S14 Lots of good stuff to browse through. s52 Euros are rare and not worth the money! I put a S52 in my 95 ///M...