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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I'm looking to convert my x7.0 ice skates. Couple of questions, has anyone used the Reebok labels chassis? It's the only one I can get in the UK by the looks of things, so is it any good? Alternatively I have a hummer chassis but am not sure about changing the outsole to fit the wheels. Ideal I would like an aluminium hi lo mission chassis, but I can't get them either in the UK.
  2. I like this concept, but what about width where the toebox meets the boot. I get bother here in most skates, other than my ee width vapors.
  3. Thanks again. Is there a special for type of plastic which is best? I really have no clue a out this stuff. I take it you just double up the back.
  4. How would you make the lifts? What material? Thanks for the advice.
  5. Does anyone know if I would need to dremmel the outsole to put a hummer on some x7.0? Also is there a guide for aligning hummer chassis?
  6. Is the chassis on the rpd max Labeda manufactured?
  7. After a little digging they are not the skates he has used, they must have sent 2 pairs or something. Not that it makes it any better if he has taken advantage of Easton.
  8. Nice to see a fellow Scot on the board. Who have you guys played? I play for Leuchars.
  9. Loving the new skates, cant wait for them to be released in the UK, will be getting them to replace my tours.
  10. Im being offered these skates for £140 and am unsure as to their value as I cant get info on them, they look like a conversion though. Any details spec would be much appreciated. Also i am currently skating on nike quest 1 inline skates, from 6 yrs ago, are the similar at all?
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