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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by EKss

  1. I have a pair Easton s12's that I want to convert and I am not sure what chassis to with. And does anyone know of a shop in the Dallas area that will do it for me.
  2. i am loving those eastons but the eagles are just ridiculous
  3. wow those cammy gloves effin awesome
  4. nice gloves and i have been trying to find a pair of SE16 pro stock gloves
  5. Those Columbus mitts are on point
  6. Those are some might fine looking warriors
  7. Those gloves are money and if you dont mind me asking how much you pay
  8. Those are some sweet arse glove mang
  9. Those are friggin' sweeeeeet. Where did you get em and do they have any in 13"? U of Maine pro stocks on eBay. The seller has a few 15" available you can try and ask him if he has any 13's I pick a pair up from him in 13s last month
  10. 5100 is lookin good and i am a little on the fence with the 95 gloves. Other than that everything looks good
  11. +1 for more info on protective line when its available
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