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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Bauer Vapor X:60 Inline Skate
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer One 95 Shienguard
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer One 95 Ellbow
  • Pants
    Mission Thorax Advantage Girdle
  • Helmet
    Bauer 9500
  • Gloves
    Bauer 4-Roll Gloves
  • Stick
    One 95 Costum Made

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  1. How come you guys tape around the bottom of your skates? I noticed the Dutch do it too. some caretaker in germany want these. we play alway on gym floors. and so the caretaker told us that the skates make black lines on the floor.
  2. http://www.sticknews.de/wp-content/uploads...8/IMG_23571.JPG http://www.sticknews.de/wp-content/uploads...nlineSkate1.JPG http://www.sticknews.de/wp-content/uploads...InlineSkate.JPG my new x60
  3. 95flex @ bauer stick? 87 or 102?!
  4. http://www.sticknews.de/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/x60.jpg ;)
  5. three pic form the vapor x:60 player stick! http://www.sticknews.de/erstes-bauer-vapor-x60-bild/
  6. second try2 my bauer one 95 stick http://www.sticknews.de/bauer-one-95-costum-made/
  7. the board is reducing my pics....
  8. one95 costum made ;) another one, for a girlfriend of my
  9. http://www.sticknews.de/temp/x60_1.jpg http://www.sticknews.de/temp/x60_2.jpg http://www.sticknews.de/temp/x60_3.jpg some pics form the bottom of the skate! sorry for the bad quality... handy cam bb bold!
  10. Looks like a Bauer One-up Pro off of XXVR Limiteds. jepp!
  11. so here iam! Warrior Dolomite right 100 draper 2x Warrior Kronik right 85 draper one 95 right 87 p92 and Nike Bauer 5500 Helmet Nike Bauer 8500 Visor clear Nike Bauer Supreme 70 Ellbow Warrior Mac Daddy Gloves Mission Advantagde Pants Nike Bauer One 90 Shinguard Nike Bauer One 95 Skate with Tuuk ONEUP Elite extruded chassis Warrior Kronik right 85flex draper i forget the mission solider roller hockey pant ;)
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