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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About ovechkin_368

  • Birthday 01/29/1991

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  1. My eyes lit up when I saw those four rolls, if there is any mitts i would get it would be those despite not matching any of my gear :P . You Alberta kids are too lucky
  2. Oilers X:60's look UNREAL!! did you get those off ebay? also is that s19 bucket pro stock?
  3. In remember seeing a video on youtube of kane taping his stick and it was weird to see how long the blade was it must've been like a foot and half long.
  4. In the pant section there was pro pant shells where would I find those?
  5. You really know how to one up someone, don't you lol :P
  6. my ever growing glove collection its not like tblfan's or anything buts its getting there, the red reeboks in the middle is the latest addition
  7. It was a shot in the dark on all those pairs since the seller didn't list sizes. I just went on wikipedia and looked at how tall the guys were and took a guess on what size gloves they would wear. That's quite the strategy, I probably would just have bought them blindly because they were soo nice :D
  8. Thats sucks to hear, same thing happened to me when I bought a pair reebok 4-rolls :( at least they look nice!
  9. man those are beautiful! too bad their o' byrnes...
  10. They sure do. Nice to see my cousin in that video. edit - My goodness are Orpik and Bradford a bunch of goofbags. Yeah thats what I intially thought, NCAA but the vid is proof i guess, but when NCAA skills comes to mind this is what I always think of this:
  11. ebay, its where i get most of my pro stock stuff
  12. the newest additions to the family easton pro's radim vrbata reebok 852 4rolls jason spezza taken off my phone so the quality's not great
  13. grey trimming looks sweet, dont see that a lot most people go white. very original (Y)
  14. those some of the coolest eagles i've ever seen shineboy +1
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