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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I have a 2004 sedan and it is THE best car I have EVER had. My only advice, in addition to for sure getting into the sedan, is make SURE you get the X model that has all wheel drive. That will give you max versatility for all season. If you eventually acquire the means to have a winter car and a summer car that its not as big of a deal but I would love to have that set-up right now. I bought the car new when I was in Cali, but have since moved to Denver. They didn't have any in Cali, but in CO most of the G's are all wheel. Check out this forum www.g35driver.com There are over 83,000 members there and there is literally nothing that can be found there about the G. Good choice!
  2. My son - who we adopted the day he was born. It was a real story about pure luck that we ended up with him. He's almost 7 now and I can't even imagine what our family would be like if he weren't with us.
  3. Helmet: Rbk 6K Visor: Oakley straight small Shoulder pads: Mission cheapies - got them on sale at HG, and honestly they have always bee pretty darn good Elbow pads: Bauer very low end - I actually have some nice Bauer pads, but I HATE how the new elbow pads been getting fouled up in my arms cuz they are TOO big? Gloves: Warrior Super Mac Daddy's - Hockey Monkey on sale, awesome feel, but probably not THE most protective. Pants: CCM V6 - These are nice for me, I like my pants as low cut and unrestrictive as possible Shin pads: Jofa high end - I had to cut them up a bunch thought to fit my knee braces Skates: Rbk 8K pump Stick: TPS XN-10 shaft with an TPS R8 blade (Afino) - I am an NX-10 whore, if anyone EVER has a broken XN-10 with a broken blade let me know I will buy it
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