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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Mission fz-3
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Reebiok 7k
  • Elbow Pads
    Ccm JetSpeed 370
  • Pants
    Mission fz-0
  • Helmet
    Bauer ims 5.0
  • Gloves
    Ccm JetSpeed 370
  • Stick
    Ccm JetSpeed pro

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  1. Fz-3s came in today but didn’t have any baking instructions. What’s the recommended time? Old skates were alkalis think it was 11 minutes, everything I seen online was 6-8.
  2. What's everyone running for wheel hardness setups? Was thinking about switching the inner 2 wheels on my shift+ to 78a 's. I ran the 78a on the rear wheel of my hilo's because I was chunking the softys all the time.
  3. What kind of warranty are you offering on these? I have had a hard time finding skates that last recently. Smoked 2 pairs of rx25s, Rx 60s, and one90 conversions that are starting to pull away on the heel. Don't know if it's just Bauers because I had a pair of ccms v10 that were are ok but I hate the tri di and I can't get a good heel lock with reeboks. Sounds like your skates might be what I am looking for. Remind me of my wicked 5s which were work horses for me until all the eyelets starting rusting out.
  4. I put some epoxy on the side of my one90 conversion. I did buy a pair of skate fenders and us them last game. Do kill the look of the skate but I have been thru so many skates in the past 2 years protect them any way I can.
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