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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by tony1233

  1. not the best gear but, it gets the job done! Current Skates: Bauer Vapor 8's Sticks: Nike Bauer Vapor IX, XVI and RBK somehing.. can't think of itoff the top of my had.. a cheap wood stick. Gloves: Nike Bauer Supreme 30's and used to have a pair of RBK 5K's, looking for new gloves though. Helmets: Nike Bauer 5500 and 09' Reebok 6K Visor: Itech X-100 Cage: Nike Bauer true vision II Elbows: Nike Bauer Supreme 30 Shoulders: Nike Bauer XVI Pants: Nike Bauer supreme 50 and CCM V04 LE Shins: Nike Bauer XXV Looking to replace: gloves, shoulders and shins.
  2. woahh you must have connections... MIA's for under $80 a pop... where do you buy your gloves ? I paid 80$ for brand new Rbk/Mia mb22 glove's for my beer league la king black jersey scheme and 80$ for almost new warrior franchise zbynek michalek pro stock :P for pick up. hahah damn I wish I could get my gloves where you get yours
  3. woahh you must have connections... MIA's for under $80 a pop... where do you buy your gloves ?
  4. I reallylike most of the art here, I espically liked cougars because of what it stood for ! I want to get a tattoo and I have been pondering a few options. 1) Either a team canada jersey with sticks or a referees jersey with a whiste 2) Last name across my back from shoulder to shoulder 3) Or ofcourse the day, month and year that I scored my first goal (and only thus far lol) The last one might seem a bit off but, I never played a game of minor hockey growing up, I come from a family with various financial problems so they could never afford to put me in hockey. So this fall I decided that I was going to go out and purchase the proper players gear and play some midget houselague and AA here. So I never thought that I would score a goal.. as I didn't have that crucial experience and skill to become a goal scorer I embraced eh enforcer/grinder role. I still love it but.. when I scored that first goal (no matter how easy it was) I felt like I was on top of the world! I have always loved, and I always will love hockey so, I definatly want my first ink to have something to do with hockey.
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