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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by D1RTYD0M

  1. Really like the gloves but those skates are horrible. I personally cant stand a swoosh on hockey gear. Also cant stand a reebok logo. I know it may not be what everyone thinks, but I will stick with Bauer. Plain Bauer
  2. MGOBLUE: Im loving the Mich gear did they have a team sale? I was looking for some gloves. Oh by the way sec 10 row 53. Big House baby.
  3. Picked them up from GreatSkate.com.. They have them listed at $99 but had it price matched to $89. The person on the phone didnt realize that $89 price that was matched was the Nike Bauer ones. And I never had the Nike Bauer ones so I couldnt tell you the difference sorry.
  4. Just got these today Thanks 21
  5. Just got my new pair of Bauer 4 rolls. If someone could explain how to post i will.... Yeah I know im not the most computer literate
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