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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About D1RTYD0M

  • Birthday 09/20/1984

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  1. Really like the gloves but those skates are horrible. I personally cant stand a swoosh on hockey gear. Also cant stand a reebok logo. I know it may not be what everyone thinks, but I will stick with Bauer. Plain Bauer
  2. Gr8erade: Stop trolling if your looking to argue find another site. Maybe some people should take their own advice, and not put their nose in others business. Hehateme: I would have told the guy the same thing, While he may have been embarrassed or not big deal. Plus when people do dumb things why not tell them? The truth is not arrogant.
  3. MGOBLUE: Im loving the Mich gear did they have a team sale? I was looking for some gloves. Oh by the way sec 10 row 53. Big House baby.
  4. Picked them up from GreatSkate.com.. They have them listed at $99 but had it price matched to $89. The person on the phone didnt realize that $89 price that was matched was the Nike Bauer ones. And I never had the Nike Bauer ones so I couldnt tell you the difference sorry.
  5. Just got these today Thanks 21
  6. Just got my new pair of Bauer 4 rolls. If someone could explain how to post i will.... Yeah I know im not the most computer literate
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