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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Wallzy41

  • Birthday 07/23/1993


  • Skates
    Bauer Vapor X:30/Reebok 10K(Goal)
  • Hockey Bag
    Easton Synergy/Reebok LE(Goal)
  • Shin Pads
    Cooper SG600/Brian's M Series(Goal)
  • Elbow Pads
    RbK 8kPro/Reebok P1 Pro(Goal)
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer Supreme One35/Koho 590(Goal)
  • Pants
    Protex HP5000/ Bauer Pro(Goal)
  • Helmet
    Bauer 5100/Bauer Profile 940(Goal)
  • Gloves
    Bauer Pro 4-roll/Bauer Rx8 Vintage(Goal)
  • Stick
    Nike/Bauer One90/NBH One75, Bauer One70(Goal)

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  • Location
    Indiana, PA
  • Gender

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  1. I've won 25 games this year after being off the past 3 when I was focusing on baseball. I have a combined record right now of 25-2-0 since August,won 20 straight from August 14 to March 5 , and we're 11-1 in our Spring League, which is tops in the league.
  2. Win streak ended at 20, in an UGLY 6-0 loss.
  3. I am currently playing goal on a B team with half of my team from Fall League because apart from our 6 forfeit losses, we went 13-1(and hadn't lost a game since our first one). The league forcibly split our team into A-only, B-only and Can play Both. Our A team is 3-0 and our B-team is 3-0 as of this writing. I get the idea of splitting teams up in the interest of fairness, but I'm gonna be mad if I have to go to the team that went 4-12-4 if I have another successful season. I think it should be a combination of team vote/rink finalization rather than some guy in an office out front of the rink downing 6 Monsters a day deciding to do it on a whim. Edit: I personally am 4-0 in games this season(3W in B, 1W in A).
  4. Mask: Bauer 940, painted in Autism Awareness Scheme C/A: Koho 590 Chest, Reebok P1 arms Glove: Bauer RX8 Vintage(Black with white piping) Blocker: Bauer RX8 Vintage(Black with white waffle) Pants: Bauer PRO(RMU NCAA Return) Leg Pads: Brian's M Series Skates: Reebok 10k Stick: NBH One75/Bauer One70.
  5. After losing the first game of fall season 14-12, I'm now 16-1-0 in my first 17 starts as a goalie with my new team. We won fall league with 13 wins, and I'm 3-0 in Winter B league with a month long break before the next game!
  6. Yep, I teach in an Emotional Support room. Anything is possible in there...
  7. On a 9 game win streak, (team is 11-6, in first place by 3 games, and 5 of the 6 losses were by forfeit this year) and I get kicked in the head by a student on Monday in my classroom. Out for season with concussion.
  8. Been away from hockey since Late 2013 because I was busy with college club baseball. Started fall season in Early August and lost the first game 14-12, giving up 13 of those. I've won the next 6 with a +/- of 14(highest +/- in the league). The group of guys I'm playing with are all "9-5ers", mostly doctors and I'm the "blue-collar" guy in the group teaching Special Education. I'm probably gonna skate out next season to entice my good friend to get back into it as well, but it's been so good getting back into the game I was put on this earth to play.
  9. Understood- NOT going to. Especially because most of them are not TOO far removed from the womb.
  10. Chippa, no worries! I started my "unpaid internship" wednesday morning, also known as Field Experience in the Classroom, Part I of III.
  11. My professional day job career, that isn't playing hockey, begins in 12 hours.
  12. Scored my third and final win of the season, in the same score we lost the first one by(7-5) Best game I've played all semester long. Shame we couldn't do this for 5 of the 8 losses or we'd be competing for the championship this semester.
  13. Come back to MSH to find a new avatar, despite not ever having one before.
  14. Lost my first game in net 7-5(for reasons that deserve to be in the Venting Spot.), but had more fun as a goalie than I ever did as a forward. On the plus side, I gave up 6 and we were sandbagging hardcore because the opposing goalie decided to show up with Mylec pads and a Franklin street helmet.
  15. My College's IT department is full of ignorant people. I mean, does it really take 35 minutes, and a conference call with the head of network security to answer my simple question?
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