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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by mack

  1. really though imagine how much money THC could make with ovechkin vector 10.0's and kovalevs rbk 9k pumps

    Not a significant amount. How many people on the board go with CCM/Rbk? Now out of those, who would buy/use either of those two players' models? It's a good idea but it also has a very small target audience. Then again I'm going off of my experience with kids around here that aren't simply buying a brand/model just because a certain player uses it.

  2. Does the guy on the left (your right) have electrical tape on his socks?  What a douche.

    ?? It works just fine.. I have used postal tape before. Just because you don't use clear tape doesn't make you a douche. :rolleyes:

    I use USPS postal tape in practice, but not games for obvious reasons. I love it. I found it back a few years ago in a dressing room after a team from California left it there, it was a huge role. Only got a little bit left.

    The size of the roll is the best part. I get sick of buying a roll of cleartape every week.

    So true. The roll i got was massive, lasted me easily a few years. I used it to package sticks aswell for shipping. Wish i could find more.

    You two are just size queens.

  3. Got my One90s in and only have one quick session in them but I like them.

    Also got some tube socks from Journey's because I don't like the feel of being barefoot in these, so I'm joining the conformists.

    Also picked up an Arnott Stealth CNT but I hate the variant on the curve, but it's a damn nice stick.

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