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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by mack

  1. mack, i assume thats shipping company's fault? any subsequent complaints to them??

    Yeah, normally it would be but that's a minor detail the wife forgot to add onto the bill when we shipped our stuff out. I had another box that showed up literally wrapped in plastic ties and tape. Apparently the USPS only hires retards in Seattle, but that's the first time I've ever had a problem using them.

  2. Mold. When we moved back up, I figured I'd ship that and some other stuff that was relatively light up here and then it showed up 3 weeks later in a destroyed box. Open it up and it was just...ugh. I couldn't salvage them at all. Palms were about done though and I didn't know of anyone who'd have decent digital palms but luckily these Eastons have them.

  3. I did get the PH ones and admittedly like those a lot better, but these fit better. It's a damn shame too because as much as I hate the looks of the new Eastons, they felt good. These are nice with a digital palm though, but my only complaint is they're not split fingers. I had to slum it on eBay for them.

  4. It was about $220 at the time.  I didn't say anything because I knew the sale didn't apply to newer models but she rang it up like that.  I just kind of gave her a "are you kidding me?" look and then paid.  I'm sure they'll realise their goof and tag me with a balance when they get in.

    I'm sure they'll let you know once they get the $80 upcharge on what they are paying for the skates. :)

    I got a call today and went in. I'm getting stuck with the full price, which I figured I would get, but they're giving me a gift certificate of the same amount. Makes no sense to me so I bolted my ass in for it.

  5. May as well update needlessly:

    Bucket: Nike 0004

    Visor: The grace of God

    Shoulder pads: Cooper Techniflex

    Elbow pads: Cooper Techniflex

    Gloves: Pro-return nylon Rbks

    Pants: Tackla 4000 girdle, tall

    Shin pads: Jofa 9090

    Skates: Soon-to-be custom One90s but after reading up on them I'm sure I'll be back to custom 705s.

    Stick: Kvasha Easton SL grips and Easton AC7100s w/my custom Nikes

  6. I'm just going off the last post as I don't know what the hell it is you've done nor did I take off your ability to sell/buy. I trust that it was taken away with good reason though, but this is not the place to keep asking questions. This thread's littered with enough crap already.

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