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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. The Toronto market is #1 priority for Bauer. No way they want to lose him. From experience, it's not a lack of service. The Toronto Bauer rep is in room on a weekly basis. There always is the possibility of relationship issues but in this case it looks like a product issue. If Bonny (Bauer factory) couldn't deliver new spec sticks or had an issue with a batch then this could have caused player frustrations. Warrior can deliver samples very fast and all it takes is a small opening and hence the current situation. After servicing NHL teams for 20 years I can say with certainty that it happens to the best of them. Crosby used Dupuis Bauer's, Forsberg used Bauer for 2 weeks, Ovie first switch to Bauer while under contract. I could go on and on.... It will always happen to every company and usually there is never any legal pursuit. Payments are made or not made and it is worked out between agents and sports marketing execs. Gun to my head, this runs its course for the playoffs and then he's back into Bauer once the product is squared away. Warrior can always match and up the contract dollars once his Bauer deal has expired.
  2. scott hartnell switched to the 5100 and yes it has the similar padding you mentioned
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