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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Dubbs

  1. Anyone notice all the points were back to normal yesterday? After the map pack kills were worth 200, yesterday they were back to 100. Any one know if thats what the system update was for, and if it was what other changes were made?
  2. I don't play the objectve games very much, but it seems like there are ALOT more gliches in those games then in just DM. Anyone know if there's a reason for this? Or is it just cause people are concentrated on certain areas of the map and it gives people to have a chance to run off in a corner and access these gliches where as DM there's just people running everywhere?
  3. I do a little bit of both, run and gun and sniping, but i dont know how people use ACOG scopes on sniper rifles. The stupid scope moves around too much and you cant hold your breath to steady it!
  4. Not sure if this is pretty much all about the x60 stick now, but does anyone that have the x60's feel the footbed is good enough after a little break in? or is it more worth while to get super feet footbeds or something else? I've only gotten to skate on mine for about an hour so far, so the balls of my feet were screaming when i got done, but i also havent had skates on in over a month due to an injury so i realize there's gonna be that getting my feet used to skate abuse period again. The boot felt pretty good though, real responsive. Thanks in advance.
  5. Helmet- RBK 8K w/ Oakley half shield, NBH 8500 Helmet w/ Cage Gloves- Bauer Vapor XXXX Pro (Black/white) Skates- Bauer Vapor x:60 Sticks- 87 Flex NBH Supreme One95 P92, 100 Flex RBK 5K Snake Grip Modano Shoulders- Bauer Vapor 4 Shins- Easton Synergy 300 Pants- Easton Synergy Girdle w/ Black Tackla Shell Elbows- Some ancient TPS model Just got the x:60's anyone from LI know where they do Heat and Compression molding?
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