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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. perron with a pretty nice goal in front of the net on like his third shift, good stuff.
  2. i mean pro stocks. i've got a few perron 808's right now.. but i'd love to try the 11k.
  3. does that mean i can have some perron-curved 11k's now?
  4. I can only hope that this means i'll be able to get some more pro stock reebok sticks with perrons curve... I'd love a 11k to go with these 808's.
  5. yeah that was mentioned in the off season thread.. that a reaaly good deal.
  6. caps have been disappointing me lately but at least they'll clinch the eastern tonight.
  7. especially since neither of them really did anything in the first 65 minutes. ovechkin needs to stop looking for the pass and shoot more.
  8. didn't the steroid deal originally happen last year? plus, didn't all the Olympians (ovie, backstrom, semin, varlamov) have to get tested to compete?
  9. ... this is like the third time this year they've scored 5-7 goals without OV.
  10. green wouldn't be on one of the forward lines because he's a defender.
  11. I think jurcina is injured? Anyway i didn't watch the game but steckel was scratched for Walker ( who had 2 goals, nice). Erskie was scratched for Corvo.
  12. i hate ordering gear from hockeymonkey. I'd almost rather pay more money for a product i don't really want from my LHS. hockeymonkey will probably put the shit i ordered tuesday in the mail friday so it won't get here until the middle of next month because UPS is retarded.
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