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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1 Neutral


  • Skates
    Revision Vanquish
  • Hockey Bag
    Easton EQ10
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Vapour
  • Elbow Pads
    CCM V
  • Shoulder Pads
    Don't wear
  • Pants
    CCM V
  • Helmet
    Bauer (old!)
  • Gloves
    Sher-wood 9950 Pro
  • Stick
    Easton ST Shaft + Easton Yzerman Easton Blade

Profile Information

  • Location
    Essex, United Kingdom
  • Gender

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  1. What's the plan for UK distibution? Anything near/around London? I was going to wait for the new Revision skates but sounds like they've been delayed. I need new boots or I can't play, so starting to look elsewhere. Any dates for UK Distribution?
  2. I think these guys have a real opportunity to start a fire in the market by offering sprung chassis on this, or their next, boot.
  3. Hnad has cut and split open from having a hole in my gloves - now I cant play tomorow
  4. I feel for you buddy. This stuff happens and you just cant do anything about it. This kind of thing is why I'm not religious...too much pain in this world
  5. Dammit how do those guys get so ripped - do they not like beer?
  6. Stupid Hockeymonkey.eu - just when i thought there might be away of getting quality kit normally only available from the states - i find their website is shit and full of the same old junk that we get over here already why dont hockeymonkey stock the same stuff across all their branches?!?!? argh!
  7. Wood sticks are cheap...so it's ok when i wreck them :)
  8. Helmet: Bauer - rusty old 5000fm i think Cage: no cage Shoulder pads: no pads Elbow pads: CCM V08 Gloves: Easton Ultra-Lites Pants: CCM V04 Shin pads: Bauer Vapour Skates: Mission Leiutenants, with Labeda Grippers Bag: Mission Backpack stylee - red Sticks: (In order of preference) 1) Titan ASD200 (?) 2) Sherwood pmpx9950 (Crosby) 3) Sherwood pmp7000? (Crosby) 4) Sherwood pmp7000? (spezza)
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