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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. that ice looks dangerous. keep flooding.
  2. Today a kid pretending to be a monkey climbed up our martial arts bag rack then played with our memorabilia jerseys hanging from the ceiling while jumping around on treadmill boxes that were stacked up behind the display ones. As as asked him to come down he jumped from the boxes onto our display treadmills. jumped right onto the plastic cover plate covering the motor and electronics. You can imagine what happened. he completely demolished the plastic. 3 other employees came running in thinking someone got hurt. The stupid mother letting her kid play around in our store then tried to explaint o me that it was already broken. (as her other daughter tried to explain to her that her brother actually broke it and we all saw it happen.) She told me it was already broken. I told her i watched her son break it and to keep control of him in the store as our store is plastered with signs and pylons trying to keep children off machines for safety reasons. She was reluctant to apologize for her stupid sons actions. although her 7 year old daughter was nice enough to apologize for her brother breaking thing. Were now taking a loss on the treadmill as it was already on sale since it was last years model and the company doesn't make the model anymore. All i wanted was the mother to explain to her son what he did wrong and her to apologize to me. Yet she is too ignorant. Her daughter must have learned her manners from her friends parents as her own mother clearly didnt distill any type of right in wrong in her son. Bottom line. dont take your kids out with you if you cant control them. I wasnt going to tell her to pay for the machine or anything like that. yah accidents happen, but at least acknowledge it and apologize. Now the kid doesn't know that he did anything wrong. Thanks for letting me vent.
  3. too bad he gave u the cheap steel. ewwwww u need the ls2 steel. that superstainless is garbage.
  4. Over an hour wait. Lucky here in Ontario. Since X mas. 3 - 4 hour waits are not uncommon. this is with two machines going. Me and my son have a father son skate at 2:30. its 2:15 now can you have them done in 10 minutes? sir its a 4 hour wait. But my son and I have a important skate to go to in 15 minutes. Well your son is gonna be pretty upset when you guys miss it. Please. Sir its 4 hours.... It wasnt important enough for you to bring your skates in yesterday? I strongly dislike. DUMB PEOPLE>
  5. met the founder and president of Sande. Nice gloves. Was selling all of em off at an Ottawa cbc playon tourny. 40 bucks a pair. or if u can nail 4 circle targets with 6 balls. i wish i had 5 bucks on me. tones of kids were walking around with similar mitz
  6. Didnt have to pay for em :)
  7. Hey guys. Figured id show u my mitts. had em both for a while. but i never posted them. just kinda look at everyones gear. eastons are canucks prostock, and the warriors are from Atlanta. warriors are a pretty sweet and are nothing like retail. ill show some more stuff soon when i get more pictures.
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