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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Kezetto

  • Birthday 03/15/1994


  • Skates
    Vapor XXXX 8.5D
  • Hockey Bag
    Easton Bag
  • Shin Pads
  • Elbow Pads
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM V10
  • Pants
    CCM Pro Tacks
  • Helmet
  • Gloves
  • Stick
    S17 Left Handed 85 Flex Sakic x2

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Ice Hockey aha :D
  • Location
    Cardiff, United Kingdom
  • Gender

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  1. Helmet: Nike Bauer 9500/Cage Combo Cage: 9500 Cage Shoulder pads : CCM V10 Elbows - CCM V10 Gloves - One95 Pants - CCM Pro Tacks Shins - One95 Skates - Vapor XXXX
  2. how do you like tha dolomite ?
  3. Nike Bauer Vapor XXXX 8.5D (Retail) Time: Around 4/5 months 3-4 Times a week Age: 15 Weight: 10 Stone ish Hight 6'0/1 Previous skate: Nike Bauer Vapor XXII 9E Fit: Like others had sayed right out of the box the fit was just amazing so good i was debaiting weather to bake them, my last skates XXII's as a Mid/High range skate felt so uncomfitable and i felt no comfort atall comparing to the 40's straight away feeling so much better than the 22's would ever feel, the padding on the 40's made the skate feel more compact with your foot and the result of that gave me more control on the ice. My last skates were half a size biger so that drop of a half size make a world of a diffrence. After a session on the ice of just skating to see how the skate felt i decided to get the skate bake and ohh boy am i gald i did that, right after they felt so much better and more enclosed giving me that sense on security that i wouldnt hurt myself. After a while i staterd to notice little things for instance the toe cap to me felt like it was to big, as in hight, i felt like i could move my toes too much and i hate that because its giving me less control of the front of the blade. Aswell another problem developed after a while with the area around the toe. on my outside of my felt big toe the end of the toecap dug in and started giving me alot of hard skin and pain after a while on the ice which started to distract me alot, but on the opisit foot it was completely the opisit problem it was too big so too much movement. overall the fit is nice on your foot but there is a few problems. 7/10 Blade/Holder: When i first steped on the ice with the 40's and started skating i felt like it had more of sharper edge, but it was funny because i have the same hollow and everything that i did with the 22's. Also i find that the steal hold up maybe about the same but i never really got the chance to run down the steel on the 40's as i did with the 22's because i like to sharped the skates alot and keep the steel sharp (i get them done once a week). Now with the holder both skates had the same holder so its hard to compare but they were beth verry good i had nice and tight turning circles. As what happens with time and ware there a few chunks and cuts into the holder which is normal so that was good also there was no bends or nothing so thats good. 9/10 Weight: The 40's are a nice light skate but there is lighter skates on the market they are not so light where it feels like your floating on the ice but there nice so you know there still there but maybe they could have been a little lighter. My friend had S15's and the weight diffrence is remarkable 40's feel like a sack of patatos comapres to the feather light S15's. 8/10 Protection: The boot itself is a nice stiff boot which i found quite hard to push in and upto now the boot is still holding up and being as stiff as ever. The other night while in pracitce i took a shot to the skate around the top of the ankle, the shot wasnt really hard but i still felt it like just a knock so i was pleased that i had no pain and no further problems after it. 9/10 Durability: Like what happens after time using skates for ice hockey they get a little bit beat up, for instance couple of cuts across the boot, slices into the toe, cuts and chunks into the holder and scatches into the steel but these skate are made well and i have not notices anything negative from anything the skate is still performing and amazing as ever. After a while while my left lace started to breake and it eventually ripped but that was from me probably from crossovers but it was nothing serious. the boot itself is holding up good no sticking has came undone (despite some careless stiching). the linner has held up aswell, no ripping or cuts the only thing if anything is on some parts its starting to go like burshed leather near the top but its not noticeable only if i inspect the skate. 8.5/10 Intangibles: I really like the way the skate looks its like a sleek look to it which looks good it almost makes the ksate look verry mean and it just wants to go fast. All the colours match and no clashes instead they all flow together and make this skate and eye catcher. i like the way they matched the holder with the skate by puting the red little logo on it, good thinking. 10/10 Conclusion: Alltogether the skate is a verry good looking skate and it also performs as good as it look. When i first tryed it on i loved the feel it felt good, nice and snug. The only problems for me was some of the issues of the toe area which still hurt whenever i skate for a look period of time. Also the weight of the skate if quite high compared to other high end skates but it isnt really a big problem overall im going to give the skate a 8.6/10
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