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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Icedog03

  • Birthday 05/28/1987

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  • Location
    Chantilly, VA

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  1. I put bauer protectoe on the sides to help it hold up a lil better from rubbing on the floor and boards
  2. Dude I love them....I just gotta get new wheels for em. but theyre by far the best skates Ive ever used
  3. I have Graf Ultra G35s on the Mission MG chassis off the 10000, Ill get pics later
  4. Until he went to pure flys a few years ago.
  5. Ha you play for Langley. Wingo, Grasso, and Brooks are on my reston team. http://photos.gunnsite.com/WestfieldsHocke...ze/CRW_7034.jpg
  6. Helmet: Bauer 8000 w/ Jofa 480 chrome Shoulder pads: Bauer 2000 Elbow Pads: Bauer 5000 Gloves: Mission M-1 Pants: Bauer Vapor 8 girdle w/ tackla shell shingaurds: Bauer 5000 Skates: Mission Purefly Sticks: Mission M-1, Easton Synergy Si-Core, 2 Mission flyweights w/Easton Synthesis and Louisville R2
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