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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

s Greens

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  1. could you tell me how you like the XXV skates i was thinking about getting a pair thanks havnt even skated on them yet (just got them on saturday). Ill post a review up after the first few skates
  2. Helmet: RBK 8K ----> worth every penny Gloves: CCM 892 Pants: Easton Synergy Skates: Graf 703 w/ Lightspeed 2 Holders Sholder: Easton Air Shin: Easton Ultra Light Elbow: Easton Air Stick(s): Easton Synergy Grip, Easton T-Flex w/ R2 blade, CCM v110 shaft/blade combo
  3. Helmet - Bauer HH5000M Blue Cage - Bauer 4000M Chrome Shoulders - Easton Air elbow - Easton Xtream shins - Easton Ultralight pants - CCM Supra Red w/Rangers logo down side gloves - Louisville TPS Pro Bionic skates - Graf Supra 703 w/ cobras (Lightspeeds hopefully soon :D ) sticks - Brendl TPS Reponse+ (Whip), Recchi CCM Vector V100, Easton Synergy Si-Core Grip Pro Stock
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