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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Hockey40966

  • Birthday 04/16/1993

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  1. Helmets: Bauer 4500 Black w/white loops and white strap, Bauer 4500 Navy w/white loops and white strap (both helmets have no logos or stickers) Skates: Vapor XXX Gloves: Easton SE16 Black/White, Easton Synergy Custom Boston University Sticks: CCM U+ CL Pro Stock (Ward), CCM V10 Pro Stock, Vapor XXXX Shaft w/wood Lidstrom blade Elbow: Nike Bauer ONE90 Knee: RBK 6k Shoulder: Farrell L650 Pants: Nike Pro Custom USA, Vapor XX Lite Shells: Easton Pro Stock Red Wings, Custom Vegas Gold shell w/navy & white stripes (made by Philly Express) Socks: Nike Swoosh North Dakota Alt, Nike Swoosh Boston University Away, RBK Edge Navy, RBK Edge White, Notre Dame Home
  2. (removed for user privacy)
  3. I have these same exact pants, I bought them off ebay back in September.....best pants I have ever had, and they are a great add to a dirty setup
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