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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Holder installation (per pair)

(2 reviews)
35.00 USD
Includes removal of old holders and mounting of new holders.  
A torque bar is used to ensure a straight mount, as well as a Custom Skateworks RAT-300 riveting alignment tool if new holes are required.
If a dismount from another pair of skates is required, please add Holder Dismount to purchase.

About Holder installation (per pair)

Includes removal of old holders and mounting of new holders.  

A torque bar is used to ensure a straight mount, as well as a Custom Skateworks RAT-300 riveting alignment tool if new holes are required.

If a dismount from another pair of skates is required, please add Holder Dismount to purchase.


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My first time use the MSH Pro Shop and couldn't be happier. I had the Bauer LSE holders put on a new pair of Easton Mako skates and the results are clean. We all know that JR knows what he is doing and this finished product was no exception! I look forward to using the Pro Shop again. There should be no hesitation from those who looking to use MSH's services!


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Quick turnaround time, top notch work. Had JR install LSE holders on One95 skates over the summer and they have been my go-to since then, and the rivets haven't shown any evidence of impending failure. Alignment is 100%.

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