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  1. hehe.. saw this on a goalie board.. thought I'd start one to show off me
  2. Chadd

    WinnWell Pro Stock

    A big thanks to Richard at WinnWell for these gloves. I have been using them exclusively since Winterfest back in December and I am well past the time for a review. If you are familiar with the original TPS R8 pro glove, then you already know all about this glove. It is made in the same factory, by the same workers as the original glove. Fit: 9/10 I have worn R8s in 14", but the 15" WinnWell is a better fit for me. I have slightly longer fingers than most people it seems, so the bigger size seems to work best for me. The gloves fit tight around the fingers and a little looser at the cuff, really the best of both worlds for me. The protection around your fingers stays in place while you still have plenty of room at the cuff for any stickhandling shenanigans you might want to attempt. Weight: 8/10 The gloves have dual density foam as well as plastic inserts, it isn't going to be feather light. That said, I really don't notice the weight of the gloves while playing. They move with me without restricting me in any way. A lot of people ask if I need that much protection playing in a beer league. Having a day job makes protection that much more important to me. I can't afford to go on the disabled list for a couple weeks to heal, so a more protective glove seems well worth the investment to me. Comfort: 10/10 These are my favorite gloves and not just because I happen to be reviewing them. I have been a big fan of this style for years and I am extremely happy with them. The nylon shell makes them very easy to break in, maybe a couple shifts until I got some sweat in them. While this really is a preference thing, these really fit my preferences. Mobility: 9/10 The longer cuff on the 15" model doesn't seem to restrict me in any way, deducting a point because I still can't play the piano and the gloves must somehow be at fault. Seriously though, the cuff is slightly longer than on the 14" model and the cuff is slightly longer than on some other gloves. They aren't restrictive in any way, but some people may think that the extra length is a negative. Protection: 10/10 Damn near bulletproof. I've blocked slappers and wrist shots, taken slashes to just about every part of the glove and never had an issue. Not even so much as a "stinger" while wearing these gloves. As I mentioned earlier, there are plastic inserts on top of the dual density padding. I like having the added layer and will gladly trade the minimal extra weight for the extra protection. The only glove I've ever used with more protection was a Sande Max pro, and those had thicker plastic inserts. There really are as good as it gets for protection. Durability: 8/10 I've been using these glove exclusively and the only visible damage is one small cut to the shell on one of the fingers and that came from being kicked by a skate. Yes, I said kicked and that's why I like the protection. The palms are holding up well, including the overlay on the palm. No issues with stitching or seams. They really are holding up quite well. Overall: 8/10 As much as I love the fit and feel of the gloves, I'm not a huge fan of the retro dot graphics. There are also a few aesthetic issues with excess material along seams, bit nothing that impacts the performance of the glove. I would strongly suggest them to anyone that likes that style of glove and even those folks that are open to trying new things and have never tried them. They're comfy, protective and should hold up well for any style of play.
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