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Length of Stick?

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Just purchased a new OPS and wanted to find out the recommended length for an offensive player with 3 years experience. Current length is floor to eye level with no shoes on. The new stick is 3" longer than what I am playing with now.


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what length are you using now? if you dont have a preference start using a stick around the height your chin while youre on skates, then go from there

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New OPS is 3" longer than old POS.

Old touches my nose and is 100 flex and new is eye level 85 flex both measured with no shoes on. I am 5' 8" at 175 lbs. 45 years old and quickly learning the game.


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There is no recommended length. Stick length is all preference but since you're kind of new I guess you have to start somewhere. Was there something you did not like about having your old ops cut to nose level? I'll ask you this now as someone will probably ask you later - what's the lie on the blade of the stick?

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Easton Synergy Si-core Right Handed Iginla 85 flex with 5.5 Lie. Good deal at Modell's in Manchester New Hampshire, $115 :)

I got use to the length of my old stick. It was all I ever played with.

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Easton Synergy Si-core Right Handed Iginla 85 flex with 5.5 Lie. Good deal at Modell's in Manchester New Hampshire, $115 :)

I got use to the length of my old stick. It was all I ever played with.

check the tape wear on the bottom of your old stick and see what part started to show wear first. Next compare the lies (angle between shaft and blade) of the sticks. If the tape wear is in the middle and both lies match, keep the stick length the same. If not, let me know and I can suggest some changes.

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The tape on the old stick is worn out starting half way down the blade for 4" toward the end of the blade.

Old stick has the same lie, 5.5, as the new one.

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The tape on the old stick is worn out starting half way down the blade for 4" toward the end of the blade.

Old stick has the same lie, 5.5, as the new one.

So it was from the middle to the toe or the middle to the heel?

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middle to toe.

Then I'd go a bit shorter than your old stick, no more than 1/2" to start. Watch the tape wear and once it's consistant across the bottom of the blade, then the lie and length are a correct fit.

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Easton Synergy Si-core Right Handed Iginla 85 flex with 5.5 Lie.  Good deal at Modell's in Manchester New Hampshire, $115 :)

I got use to the length of my old stick.  It was all I ever played with.

They were only $99 at Dicks in Dover two weeks ago :)

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middle to toe.

Then I'd go a bit shorter than your old stick, no more than 1/2" to start. Watch the tape wear and once it's consistant across the bottom of the blade, then the lie and length are a correct fit.

If the blade is wearing more at the toe, wouldn't he want to go longer rather than shorter with the stick?

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middle to toe.

Then I'd go a bit shorter than your old stick, no more than 1/2" to start. Watch the tape wear and once it's consistant across the bottom of the blade, then the lie and length are a correct fit.

If the blade is wearing more at the toe, wouldn't he want to go longer rather than shorter with the stick?

yeah, you're right. The mind wasn't working this morning.

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middle to toe.

Then I'd go a bit shorter than your old stick, no more than 1/2" to start. Watch the tape wear and once it's consistant across the bottom of the blade, then the lie and length are a correct fit.

If the blade is wearing more at the toe, wouldn't he want to go longer rather than shorter with the stick?

yeah, you're right. The mind wasn't working this morning.

figuring out if someone needs a higher or lower lie gives me a headache,

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Easton Synergy Si-core Right Handed Iginla 85 flex with 5.5 Lie.  Good deal at Modell's in Manchester New Hampshire, $115 :)

I got use to the length of my old stick.  It was all I ever played with.

They were only $99 at Dicks in Dover two weeks ago :)

man they better still have some in the summer i am going down to dover. last year i got my pro-stock syn or 99 at i think the store was call hockey.com

sorry for the off topic post.

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Easton Synergy Si-core Right Handed Iginla 85 flex with 5.5 Lie.  Good deal at Modell's in Manchester New Hampshire, $115 :)

I got use to the length of my old stick.  It was all I ever played with.

They were only $99 at Dicks in Dover two weeks ago :)

man they better still have some in the summer i am going down to dover. last year i got my pro-stock syn or 99 at i think the store was call hockey.com

sorry for the off topic post.

Yea, Hockey.com/Philbrick's had Responses, Synergys and Eclipses for $99 over the summer.

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Well if you liked having your stick cut to your nose then I would suggest trying a higher lie. If stick length isn't that much of a concern to you then try the si-core that you have at the current length. See where the tape wear is after a game and work your way from there. If the wear is even throughout then great, you're done. If most of the wear is near the heel now then cut like an inch off and try it again. However, if the tape wear is still at the toe of blade while the stick is at eye level then you're going to need a stick that looks like an "L".

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Well if you liked having your stick cut to your nose then I would suggest trying a higher lie. If stick length isn't that much of a concern to you then try the si-core that you have at the current length. See where the tape wear is after a game and work your way from there. If the wear is even throughout then great, you're done. If most of the wear is near the heel now then cut like an inch off and try it again. However, if the tape wear is still at the toe of blade while the stick is at eye level then you're going to need a stick that looks like an "L".

I'd suggest cutting no more than 1/2" at a time.

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