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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Radar detectors

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Do Radar detectors really work any more? Does it depend on what your state cops use? I have heard of Radar guns and even something called Lydar guns???? I can not recall exactly what it was; but do radar detectors work for anyone here.

Best Cop Ever

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Do radar detectors work? Yes.

Do they keep you from getting a ticket? Hell no!

LIDAR- LIght Distancing And Ranging- uses a laser, unless you can react at the speed of light, by the time your detector senses it, you are already busted.

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I guess even if you are doing 15 over the limit, if by some miracle your diffuser works cops are still trained by eye to know your relevant speed.

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I guess even if you are doing 15 over the limit, if by some miracle your diffuser works cops are still trained by eye to know your relevant speed.

Or at least make it up.

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