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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Quest Roller Daddy or CCM Vector PF8 05 model

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Hello all.I am from Slovenia. I play roller hockey now in our league.I want a new roller skates for me....What do you recomend me?I will bought Nike Quest Daddy 04 model or Vector PF8..Here in slovenia both roller skates have the same price 345$ dollars....

Which model is better?


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Comfort wise the Nikes would probbly take the cake. Also, like Kovy said, if you want a standered Hi-Lo the Nikes are the way to go. I also have the Vector PF8's, and I like them alot. The Rink Rat Hornet wheels that come with them are great, they have good fit (although the skates tend to run a little bit wider then most), and the boot is nice and stiff. Can't really go wrong either way. The Vectors come with better wheels and bearings, I think if you wanted the most bang for your buck, go for the Vectors.

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Uf i never play without hi-lo design....I have now old mission roller.

What is feeling without hi-lo design.Can you use hi-lo wheels?

What is the main difference between hi-lo and non hi-lo?

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Hello Redman!

I'm from Croatia,also play roller hockey, where can we try CCM PF8 skates in Slovenia?!

( Ili ... Bok, ja sam iz Karlovca, tu igramo neki rekreacioni hokey na rolama. Daj mi reci gdje bi se mogle isprobati CCM PF8 ili Nikice tu kod vas. Bio sam u ASA Naklo Mission i kupio Pure lite za led. Sad bi uzeo CCM za hokey na rolama, ali sam čuo da CCM radi malo Å¡iri kalup pa sam ih htio isprobati. hvala

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Hello bsimic our neighbour:)

You can try CCM PF8 skates in Bled near icehockey hale...

And btw. bsimic23 asa naklo is not really cheap..I bought my first roller skates there but now i will bought ccm or nike....

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i have vectors in ice and have had roller nikes in the past. the vectors are wider, and a great plus to them is that they have the skate lock on them, which really helped my comfort as my feet always hurt in skates. the nike were narrow, and are very high on the boot, but i think they changed the new models to lower, but still they are high.the nikes would hurt my feet if i had them on for too long, and the vectors felt great, even after a while, but that could depend on whether your feet are wide or narrow.despite all that, i would still choose the roller daddys.

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