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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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anyone on here play rugby? or any sports that require wearing cleats. well i started playing on my highschool team about a month and a half ago. and everyday during practise, the inside of my calves kill me. like i can barely run about mid way through. but i just push it anyways. and for the rest of the night im in so much pain. any thoughts or suggestions?

i stretch it lots everyday now.

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i played rugby last year for the high school team last year and the "props" had cleets with high ankle support sorta like high tops so maybetry some of those just a sugestion

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u might want to consider going to the podiatrist (sp) (aka foot doctor). I used to have the same pain in my shins just from gym class, and the insoles they gave me helped a ton.

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definately shin splints, i had the same problem, it could be because your cleats don't have enough cushioning, especially if your field is hard. my suggestion would be to get insoles

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When the connective tissues on your lower leg bones (Tibia & Fibula) detach or perforate fromn the bone. It'll get better, they just need time to heal.

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according to my gym teachers from the last 3 years, it's caused by improper cushioning, especially when running or jumping on hard surfaces, and it has something to do with the shock. so if you pronate, you're probably concentrating the force of your impacts on the balls of your feet, not spreading them out to absorb the impact. getting some insoles to correct pronation would definately help, or you could go gellin :D

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