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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Vapor XX skates 2004 & 2005 model

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Does anyone know what is the main difference between the two ? Is there a fit difference ? Do the 2005 Vapor XX's fit more like the Vapor XXX's because I find the Vapor XXX's fit a bit bigger then my 2004 Vapor XXs. <_<

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So wait I'm confused. So there is an 05 model of the XX's. Or is that considered the XXX's and the XX's are done being made? Or is there both 04 and 05 models of the XX's and then 05 models of the XXX.

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05's have lightspeed 2's: better grade steel, much easier to work with.

Can the LS2 steel be put on LS1s? Because My steel broke on my 8090s and the replacement has LS2 labeled on it.

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05's have lightspeed 2's: better grade steel, much easier to work with.

Can the LS2 steel be put on LS1s? Because My steel broke on my 8090s and the replacement has LS2 labeled on it.


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