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Sean Skinner Checking for Hockey Series

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I know that a lot of people like Skinner's Stickhandling video series, but does anybody on the board own (or has seen) the checking series? I was curious if it might be handy for helping coach Bantams next year.

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Yeah, I used it to help with coaching Pee Wees this past year.

The part on skating for checking is great, and the rest is not too shabby either. He does a good job of breaking down the mechanics of the different checks and shows some drills to practice them. I use it as much as the Stickhandling video.

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I get on the ice and help out with his camp he does at the rink. His checking and D is great. Really breaks stuff down and makes it easy for the kids to understand.

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I saw it, and it's better than the material that Hockey Canada gives us for coaching minor hockey.

I wonder if he will make shooting, skating, and systems series?

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I know this is a little off subject... but where did Sean Skinner come from, like what level of hockey did he play? I heard that he could have made it pro or something, could be wrong though.

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I know this is a little off subject... but where did Sean Skinner come from, like what level of hockey did he play? I heard that he could have made it pro or something, could be wrong though.

My dad's talked to him before, Skinner simply said he wasn't good enough to go any further, but he enjoys staying a part of the game. He's a smart guy, and his guidance is great on all his videos.

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