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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vector waranty question

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Ive had my vector V100 for 41 days and its cracked right where the shaft meets the blade. when I flex it on the backhand I can see the shaft pop into itself. You can see a hairline crack right above where the the shaft pops in.

I called the number on the stick and left a message. Do you guys think they will replace it? I'm about 12 days over the warantied period now. Just want your expeirences and opinions.



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Dude your over the warrenty deal. This is proboly part of the reason sticks cost an arm and a leg now adays. They replace so many sticks from jagoffs who try and get new ones after the warrenty is up they have to increase price to keep a decent profit from those of us who dont send them in after the warrenty complaining about them breaking. <_<

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I dont expect to get it replaced, but it would be nice if they would.

JR im not trying to rip them off or anything. It's not like i've had it for 5 months and I'm trying to get it replaced.

FireOnIce why do you think they only offer ONE replacement? I'm not to sure about how much they cost to make, but I'm sure it isnt 135 bucks. I'd say it costs arround half of that. If the companies wernt gererating a profit then they would end the waranty program.

Geez cut me some slack. 135 bucks is alot of money to a 17 year old.

I've never had a stick break like this before. Every other OPS ive had the blade went bad on it.

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2 Things that shouldn't be an aspect when trying to add strength to your argument is how the money you spent on it should've gotten you more and where the stick breaks. You know it's a performance stick and durability isn't the main focus. You were aware it would break at some point in time and by buying it acknowledged that if it happened to break after the warranty period then you got the performance time it promised. It doesn't matter where the stick broke, the company was just trying to make the product their way, the place you broke the stick should have no barring on the replacement.

I say call them up explain the situation truthfully and express your feelings, if you get a new stick great it's a bonus, if not you can decide whether to stick with this particular product or switch to another.

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I'm 17 and I've broken a z bubble and 2 si cores not long after the warrenties were up and I'm not crying about it. Thats the risk you run for a performance stick.

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Thats fine, but the fact your $135 and 17 shouldn't have any barring on this. It was your decision to buy the stick and if you cannot afford to have it break you should've went with a cheaper alternative.

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Thats a good point, if you cant afford to have it break go for something cheaper and more durable or just get something cheaper and if it breaks you can try some other cheap stick. 30 days is 30 days in my opinion. I was bummed when the expensive sticks broke, but it happens at some point or another all the time.

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Who said I'm "crying" about it? I'm not expecting a new stick. My original post was asking if anyone had gotten a replacement a few days after the waranty had lapsed. I've not had any replies to that question. All I've gotten is people making me out to be an a**hole who wants a free stick.

Did you really think I was going to "beg" for a stick? My financial standing has nothing to do with them replacing it. I only posted it so people could get my perspective.

Is this a debate team or something? Are you trying to convice me not to try to get a replacement? Thats not why I posted.

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Biskitindabaskit, Your orginal question was

Do you guys think they will replace it? I'm about 12 days over the warantied period now. Just want your expeirences and opinions.
now some members have offered their opinions, nobody has any experience with getting a stick after 41 days. People are concerned because companies have alot of problems with fraud so giving away sticks to people past warranty periods, whether it's because of fraud or actual breakage, may occur in prices rising. It seems that you got the answers you weren't looking for and then you started to debate, and defend your position. Nobody here is out to get you, it just seems like your asking for something that shouldn't be given. I have no problems with you calling and explaining your situation, like many others have said I do not think you will get a replacement out of it though.

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WTF, guys knock it off. There's nothing wrong with asking since it's fairly close to the dealine. Getting upset if they say no is a different matter.

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If that is the question I have gotten a replacement from TPS 1 day later. Like I said I see no harm and calling and asking, I just got the impression when you heard that the reviews didn't look posotive I felt you brought in arguments which went outside the realm of the stick breaking. I appologize if I offended you, I did not intend to, and to be honest I wasn't exactly "heated" with your intentions, I would do the same thing.

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The point of a warrenty period, is that if there is a manufacters defect it will break in 30 days. Any time after that, and 99% of the time it was a slash that did damage to the stick and then when you shot is busted it. However 12 or 13 days isn't that bad, but I wouldn't expect a new stick.

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Guest phillyfan

Not commenting on specifically CCM, but from word of mouth, it's a lot easier, well not easier, better to be polite talking to the customer assistance departments or whatnot. Still, don't call up and expect a stick on your doorstep, but be polite, and explain the situation to them. I wouldn't be surprised if CCM would honor the warranty 2 weeks after, I've heard of almost nothing but positive transactions regarding THC.

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CCM customer service wanted me to pay shipping both ways to inspect a bag that broke after using it a couple of times. Shipping would have cost me more than a new (non-CCM) bag.

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