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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Bad accident

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I'm driving to the rink to drop off some skates I repaired, and I'm on a two-lane road. A guy two cars down makes a left turn, so I stop, and the guy in front of me stops. I'm sitting in my car and I look at the rearview...see a boxy Volvo hauling ass and I have nowhere to go. I brace for the hit and he hits me, I hit the dashboard and then come up and almost hit the roof. My car lunges forward and goes UNDERNEATH the car in front of me.

I get out of the car and two kids come piling out of the Volvo. All of a sudden, there are beer bottles on the road. He starts apologizing and saying that he'll pay for the damages, and I'm like "um, no, I'm calling the cops." Cops show up and 45 minutes later, issue the kid a ticket. They could not breathalize them because they couldn't show just cause - both of them blew in the officer's face.

This has been the worst month of my life. Two days before I fly to MD for an interview.

Here are pictures.






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I'm a little confused as to why they didn't make them blow. Hell were pulled out of the classroom if were acting 'funny' and have to take a breathalizer test.

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Was there acutally beer bottles that fell out fo the guys car. If so i tihnk that is weel mroe than just cause.

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Yep. Car smelled like a brewery.

I am lucky the car in front of me was a Chrysler Concorde...I think if it were a SUV I would've been dead.

Not to mention, my seat is broken.

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It just sucks because I have had a really bad month. I fly up to MD for a job interview on Thursday. God, I need to get it.

Where in MD? and from what I can tell you took care of that car.

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It just sucks because I have had a really bad month.  I fly up to MD for a job interview on Thursday.  God, I need to get it.

Where in MD? and from what I can tell you took care of that car.

Abingdon...north of Baltimore.

I did. LOL my MSH license plate did not break!

I'm going to get a lawyer...it's ridiculous...

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Man that sucks, I hope you're ok. A friend of mine was rearended not more than a week after he bought his first car, he wasn't able to play hockey, football, rugby, or baseball, and only got around 7500 dollars for a settlement because he had no dependants and was living at home. That money and then some has already been spent on physio and other medical bills, soft tissue injuries when they're real are horrible, they can haunt you for the rest of your life.

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Dude that sucks. People that can't drive piss me off. And jerks that take off piss me off even more.

Hope you get that job man, you really deserve it after the kind of month you've had.

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Dude that sucks. People that can't drive piss me off. And jerks that take off piss me off even more.

Hope you get that job man, you really deserve it after the kind of month you've had.

Thanks. Come to think of it, I don't think he ever hit his brakes.

Yes, I want that job. The King might have a new kingdom... :ph34r:

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Dunno the process in FL but get a copy of the police report as soon as you can and then file a report with the comanding officer or watch commander. Just cause is a very vauge term but the sight of any opened contaner within the vecinity of any vehical would show cause for a feild test. Also how old were these kids? If they're underage then an open contaner inside the vehical should warrent at least a minor in possesion charge.

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Being involved in an accident is reason enough to test them, especially if they are at fault. If you told the cop they had beer bottles that they tossed out, that again should be reasonable cause. Up here they look for any excuse they can find to test people, major league tightasses.

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Well it is good to hear you are alright, probally a little sore though. From the sounds of things it could have been alot worse. Of all the accidents I go to, the ones involving alcohol piss me off the most. There is just no frigging need for it, call someone to haul your sorry drunk butt home. The first one I went to, 2 girls and 1 little boy lost their mothers due to it. Both in seperate vehicles. So there is my rant for the day.

Good luck with the interview, hope all goes well. And if it does, bring your warm clothes cuz it does snow in Maryland...

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OH perfect!! So the driver probally just got his licence. Up here in Maine the driver would have at least gotten a summons for having an under age passenger in the car with him..

It doesn't look all that bad from the pix but age alone might make it a total. You might be able to buy it back from the salvage company with the insurance money and fix it too..

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The kids were 16.

What's gonna kil me is that I think they are going to call it a total loss. A car payment is the LAST thing I need right now.

The car doesn't actually look that bad considering. I've seen a lot worse not get totaled. The strange thing is how bad the front looks and the back doesn't look too bad. Did the car still run? How bad is the damage inside? It's really tough to get a good scope of the damage from the pictures.

You should definitely contact the cop's commander, I know probable cause is iffy but if they had open containers outside of the car then that is all of the probable cause he needed.

I had a guy drive a truck through my house and the cop never checked the guy for alcohol even though he smelled like the floor of a bar and several people told him to do so. Once we work everything out with the insurance company, this cop is going down.

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