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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Problems with Mission HE750

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Does anyone have the contact info for Mission's customer service, or know of someone I can contact regarding my inline skates?

I am extremely disappointed with the product and ABSOLUTELY OUTRAGED for what I received in a $300US product. I have had A NUMBER OF problems with them ever since I purchased them two months ago. I have learned to cope with some of the earlier problems, such as:

1. The bottom outsole separating from the toe cap after 3 minutes in the Mission convection oven. There is 1/8-inch separation.

2. The side of the boot ripped slightly after I was skating near the boards and, for a SPLIT SECOND, rubbed against the smooth, plastic panel.

The problems above I was able to cope with, but what really blew me up and made me lose confidence in the quality of Mission skates was what I found when I went about changing the wheels on the skates just yesterday.

3. 7 of the 16 bearings are DAMAGED. The bearing casings are dented. This was not due to wear and tear. I have never seen bearings being dented like they were and I do not think that simply skating in them would cause such damage. On most of the bearings, the dents were not facing the outside. The dents were on the side facing the spacer (inside of the core of the wheel).

4. Other types of wheels - other than the Factory Z-Rated - DO NOT FIT ON THE SKATE. The wheels barely spin when they are installed. Some part of the wheel is rubbing against the chassis. When I put the Factory's back on, they spin very freely. I have tried four different types of wheels - Labeda Gripper, Labeda Millennium, Red Star Rebel, Labeda Shooter - WITH THE SAME BEARINGS & SPACERS that came with the skate, but none of them are able to spin. I do not think that Mission skates were only designed to fit one type of special thin-profile wheel.

I have purchased 4 pairs of Mission inline skates and 1 pair of Mission ice skates in the past. I have purchased a total of 4 skates from Mission in the past 4 years. I have never complained before, but I am EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED with this product.

The reason I decided to continue with Mission skates this year – I also strongly considered the Tour Blue Max and CCM Vector PF8 - was strictly because of my loyalty to Mission, and because of the fact that Mission gained my trust with purchases I made in the past.

The league that I am playing in (which is the reason I purchased these HE750’s, and also the reason I purchase a new pair of skates every year) begins on Sunday, May 1. Because of this, I expect to have the problems with these skates addressed and resolved in a very timely manner.

My purchasing decisions in the future will almost exclusively depend on how well Mission handles this issue, and what type of compensation, reimbursement, or other form of resolution they plan to offer.

If there are any Mission representatives reading this board, please contact me at avenavy@hotmail.com

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Try to remain calm. Mission has one of the best Customer services in the buisness. They will replace your skates im sure if you had all those problems. I know people who have had skate probs in the past and gotten there skates replaced asap. Just contact Mission. You can get there numbers from there website or PM Justin 1933

He works for Mission and im sure would help u in anyway he can.


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It took me all of 10 seconds to find a phone number on the mission website, I'd bet that's a lot less time than you spent bitching about the skates.

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As stated above, Mission customer service is by far the best in the business. Give 'em a call or an email, and they'll get you back on track.

The wheels will fit. You have to put a little force into the bearings so they go completely into the wheel hub.

I have seen alot of Mission, BSB, and Bones bearings dented. They'll still work. Its the inner ring you have to be careful with.

If all else fails, you want to trade skates with me? <_<



Broken eyelets, partially seperated outsole, and countless dents in the chassis and they still work. All my skates get beat to hell, so this is nothing new. I'll keep on using them till they fall apart or the new line of Missions come out :)

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First off, sorry for the issues you have....We will be more than happy to replace your skates. Here is the number for customer service: 877-886-7301.

Please let me know if you have any problems...


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I am not one of the Mission faithful like some, but the comfort is improving from previous yrs. I can tell you though, if Mission does make a stiffer boot that will hold up with the newer, more comfortable last they have been using, I may be converted. The quality of the skates seems to be a batch by batch basis, as the 750's I had never had any of the common problems, mostly the guys with 950's in my area. Mission does have the best warranty and customer service, but the overall skate product has been a bit disappointing this yr. I found it almost unbelieveable that the CCM PF4 was a more supportive boot at 150.00 than the HE750 at 300.00. This is my only gripe and hope that the Mission guys can get it together for this next yr, as I have been extremely happy with my mission M-2 shaft, pants, elbow pads that I currently use, and the countless other pairs of pants, old shin guards and old gloves that all bore the flying M. Justin has shown he is willing to go above and beyond to other members of this board, I have no doubts you'll be taken care of.

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qualifying this first by saying I curently don't skate on Mission...

for a number of years Mission has been basing their skates around support and not stiffness..or as the guy above would have put it..SUPPORT AND STIFFNESS :D

if you are looking for a skate that is on the more traditional side, or skate in one currently....the supplefit will likely feel like it doesn't have support..when its lacking stiffness..you can get a stiff boot at 150 or even 99..but you're not getting weight savings or any sort of durability/power transfer..

I think that telling Mission to make a "stiffer" skate is missing the point of their technology entirely..

also avengard90...most skates have some separation at the toe and the outsole..as the toe often curls up while the sole stays straight..i'd say 99% of the time..its cosmetic...and as THockey said earlier..its not how the outside of the bearings look..its how they perform...the outside could be totally rusted.but if the inner race and such are fine..they will work without fail..

i've not used the Z-Rated's..do they have a different spacer with the hub as there are some variances floating around out there...i know they use 608's but at times the spacers are different widths...

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Actually, Mission has been basing their skates around a supple, pliable fit for the last 3 yrs. The problem I personally had with the boot, is that it wouldn't support me while cutting and turning sharply, feeling like I was going to roll an ankle any minute. I don't think looking to develop a stiffer boot is going away from what they've developed at all, unless that stiffness comes at the expense of the fit of the skate. I have skated Missions in the past 3 yrs, with the same problems every time. I started out on the original D3's and D2's, wasn't happy with those so I went to Nexed Stingers. The Stingers are finally shot, so I tried the 750's, hoping the boot was stiffer, and it felt that way for about two weeks, and then I was back to feeling like my ankles were rolling on me. As I stated earlier, I've been very happy with everything else Mission makes, just not the skates

and on a side-note, the Z-Rated wheels are decent grip and speedwise, but not real durable. There shouldn't be any problems using other wheels on the Skates, as I've seen a few people on various Labeda and RR wheels in 750's

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I believe what Jim A was referring to was the belief that Stiffness = Support. Missions can be very supportive without being stiff. It seems you use the terms interchangably in your first post, where that isn't true. You can prefer a stiffer skate, I am still adjusting to my PFs because I've always used a stiffer boot, but Missions are fairly supportive. Mission based the S and He series off of the supple fit. Making them a stiffer boot kind've defeats the purpose of it, as I see it at least. Thats why they introduced the L series.

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It seems you use the terms interchangably in your first post, where that isn't true.

At 5'9", 230lbs, stiffness DOES equal support. I know what you're saying, but it's a very minimal support the Missions have. It very well could be different for the 160 lb players out there, who can't live in stiff boots b/c they can't flex enough to benefit from it, but there are more than a few guys that play leagues here that are complaining about any DNA Mission skate being unsupportive, from the first d1's and d2's to this yrs stuff. I suppose it's the old adage"you can't please eveyone all of the time", but that's what'll keep me out of Mission's skates if they remain similar to the last three yrs.

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SD...you keep talking about rolling an ankle..when the supplefit is all about having your ankles available for the skating motion...their Selanne ad even said "Thanks for giving me my ankles back"..I think its a style that just doesn't work for you..regardless of how "stiff" the boot may feel..

similarly..i'm not really a Vapor guy..so even if an XV, XX or XXX feels "stiff" to me..the open ankle area doesn't conform to my past 30 years of skating ..so i stay with a Supreme or other classic type of line..

a Stinger to a He is a big jump ...Stinger's are like ski boots...high cut..rock solid...anything outside a similar boot is going to feel exceptionally different...

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The new Vectors have been a wonderful switch for me, as they are fairly stiff even in the cheaper models. I skated in Tour 8000 boots for the longest time before trying to get into RMX's, which were just too narrow in the heel, but supportive throughout the boot. Went back to Tour until the DNA series was first released, which was comfy, but not very solid feeling for me. If the series that included the Type M skate had been wider, or the DNA series been stiffer like the preceding line, I'd probably still be in Missions. I suppose I'm just not going to be part of Mission's business segment for inline skates, but that's really unfortunate as they are very popular here, and it's all I can get in upper end skates from my LHS.

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