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Easton Baseball

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Haha, I was browsing for a new baseball bat and found out Easton is coming out with a Stealth baseball bat. A typical top of the line bat would cost around 230-240, but $280 for the high school/ college one, and they'll probably even make a little league one for around $200. At least it has a 400 day warranty, maybe the hockey stick will too :huh:

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Feedback from the college and high school teams has been off the charts so far. It will probably be Easton's best selling bat of all time.

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I have a couple of friends who play NCAA softball and the synergy is outlawed by the NCAA. So maybe it will be outlawed by the boys baseball NCAA?

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Feedback from the college and high school teams has been off the charts so far.  It will probably be Easton's best selling bat of all time.

That doesn't mean much coming from an Easton employee, Rhino.

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Guest phillyfan

I haven't played baseball in awhile, stopped after Little League. Anyway, why would a bat need a warranty? I've never seen a metal bat break. Dent's are a no-brainer, but is that the only reason one would have to return a bat under warranty?

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Ljack, how bout this, when they become available I'll send either you or Mack one and let you decide for yourselves?

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I'll bite. A baseball or softball one?

Edit: I'm using a Synergy in our softball league here because it's probably the only league where it's legal and it's the best comp. bat I've used since the C-Core back in the day. Other than some chipping it's holding up like a champ.

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Ljack, how bout this, when they become available I'll send either you or Mack one and let you decide for yourselves?

Send it to Mack, I don't play baseball much anymore. Thanks for the offer though.

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Mack, what do you play more of? I can do softball or baseball, the Stealth will be offered throughout the entire line. Probably get more use out of a softball one though huh?

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Yeah, I'd love the baseball one but the softball one would definitely be used more since there are more seasons available. I appreciate the offer, thanks.

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Well you decide and I'll let you know when they are available. The cool thing about the baseball one is that they will come in two different flexes. A regular flex for the smaller player or player with faster hands, and a stiff flex for the larger player. The reg. flex will flex 3x as much as a regular ole alloy bat. The stiff is 1.5x. Just off the top of my head I can't remember what the slow-pitch is at this time.

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Is it made of a different alloy? I was looking at some Rawlings bat that had some crazy liquid alloy that was ranked above titanium in terms of response.

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The Stealth will have a 888 alloy barrel and a full composite handle. The handle is what allows us to alter the flexes for the given player. A very cool feature and definitely the future of baseball/softball.

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That sounds like the F2 which is an awesome bat as well. I didn't care much for composite bats/barrels but the Synergy and Wicked have done well, but I'd been thinking of going with something metal.

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Ryan, I'm considering trying a Stealth for softball this summer. I saw you can prebook it at justbats.com. Could you let me know what the flex on it is?

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Is the Stealth going to be made in a -5? Most bats are either -8.5 or -3 it's tough finding quality bats in a -5.

IMO the 777 has better feel than a 888. The 888's feel harder and dead compared to the 777. Our team just got a -5, 777 and everybodys loving it nobody has been using the 888.

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Is it made of a different alloy? I was looking at some Rawlings bat that had some crazy liquid alloy that was ranked above titanium in terms of response.

The liquidmetal, our coach ordered one a couple days ago I'll see how it is. I've never really been impressed by Rawlings bats, their gloves on the other hand...

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Other than their woodies I've never liked Rawlings bats but the little display for the bats is interesting.

I agree about their gloves though, I've been using a Trap-Eze ever since I can remember.

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I forget what the exact line is but Mizuno's gloves are pretty damn good and much cheaper than Rawlings.

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I haven't played baseball in awhile, stopped after Little League. Anyway, why would a bat need a warranty? I've never seen a metal bat break. Dent's are a no-brainer, but is that the only reason one would have to return a bat under warranty?

Well, beacuse of dents like you said and loss of pop. When they loose their pop and the ball doesn't travel as far, you just send it in and they'll give you another one.

I'm currently using a TPX Response and I'm totally satisfied with it. It has good pop and it feels real solid on contact. But, I'm anxious to see this new Stealth bat.

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