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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Official NHL Shop

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Just like to let everyone know that The Official NHL Shop now sells hockey equipment. Kind of weird that they are selling ice/roller hockey gear, but okay.

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It's not the NHL shop, it's some dude who dished out some big bucks to get a place on the NHL site. I don't remember what the origional website is though. Hopefully someone else whill remember that.

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The store has sold out most of its inventory from what I can remember. They sold out due to the buy one and get the other item for 40% off. There were lots of blades, shafts and skates. Now is is pretty bare but they have added some stuff.

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It's been a while since I've looked on there but last time I looked they only carried right handed sticks! :o As a lefty, I felt slighted and haven't been back since.

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It's not the NHL shop, it's some dude who dished out some big bucks to get a place on the NHL site. I don't remember what the origional website is though. Hopefully someone else whill remember that.

It's a guy from the Philly area. He also does order fulfillment for a lot of other big name sporting goods stores.

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